12 additional juice fasting info
12 additonal juice fasting info
juice fasting
Also I am not sure if you realize that you should not only be adding the raw juices to your diet, you should be eating NO other foods..none. You should be juice fasting and it you are not doing this, eat only vegan foods at least 80% raw foods. (raw foods include raw fruits, and raw veggies and their juices, raw nuts and seeds (preferably soaked), sprouted legumes (beans) or seeds or grains, raw milk (not recommended or vegan), and raw meats (also not recommended).
What Schulze always says is if you are sick..immediately stop eating..
When fasting you may take the following fluids and no solids but the garlic. Be sure to chew the juice and be very sure to drink it all within 15 minutes..do not carry it over in the refrigerator...take raw fruit juices, raw veggie juices, good water, the potassium broth he lists in the
patient handbook at curezone by schulze (see link below) and herbs teas especially the kidney bladder and detox tea (alternate taking one the week you are doing work on the kidneys with the kidney flush drink, tea and tincture and one the following week when doing the liver/gall bladder teas, tinctures and flushes..it is important that you do both as well as one of the other alternating week things (one week immune boosting and one week blood cleansing detox formula)..see the manual, videos or
patient handbook for more on the incurables program..nothing else (except the three or more cloves of garlic and the superfood drink).
Fruits are cleansers and vegetables are builders.