how to do the cold sheet treatment
important note this routine is MANDATORY for the incurables program once a week
it is not optional even if you juice fast
How I do The "COLD SHEET" Treatment, explained by Espen
The "COLD SHEET" Treatment is several hundreds of years OLD, NATURAL and POWERFUL Healing Method
By inducing an Artificial Fever known as HYPERTHERMIA, you can cure many diseases!
It is one of the most powerful of all cancer treatments!
HYPERTHERMIA can be used with Common Health Problems, such as Flus and Colds, and DEFINITELY should be used with MORE SERIOUS Pathogenic Disease Processes, such as Pneumonia, Cancer, and AIDS!!
It is important to do all 8 steps!
Here is exactly what I do, when doing "COLD SHEET" Treatment.
My wife is helping me. You will have to have someone to help you, it is too complicated to do it alone!
It should be done inside house, and you definitely need a bath.
COLD Enema to clear LOOSE Fecal Matter out of my Colon, before I begin "COLD SHEET"
I add Herbs to the Water, such as Catnip or Red Raspberry.
A COLD Enema causes the Rectal Area to contract, which HELPS to RETAIN the Fluid LONGER, before I EXPEL the Herbal Tea and the LOOSE Fecal Matter.
After expelling the Herbal Tea, the next Step of the "COLD SHEET" Treatment is the "GARLIC INJECTION"!
I take Rectal Syringe from the Drug Store (a wider tube), that allows not only water, but also small particles of garlic to enter colon.
I take 8-10 LARGE Organic Garlic Cloves in a Blender with 50% Apple Cider Vinegar and 50% clean Water.
Richard Schulze says it's like NAPALM in your Rectum!
I put this Solution in with the Rectal Syringe, but I get it in QUICKLY ALL at once, because once it is inside, I don't feel like keeping it there ... I want it out !
"It's POWERFUL and it BURNS!
I RUN to the Toilet, but it doesn't ALL come out.
In about 2 minutes, the Burning and the Cramping go away.
I take a HOT Bath, which is as HOT as I can support, without burning my skin!
Before I enter the Tub, my wife place the following Herbs in the HOT Water:
oz. or more of Cayenne Pepper
oz. or more of Ginger, and
oz. or more of dry Mustard. Get GOOD HIGH-POTENCY Mustard, since MOST of the American Mustard is quite WEAK!
I coat my Genitals with PLENTY of Vaseline for Protection, because
Olive-Oil ALONE can't do the Job! The Cayenne, Ginger, and Mustard, that I use in the "COLD SHEET" Treatment are NOT LOOSE in the Water, but are put in a VERY LARGE (made-up) Tea Bag.
If you put them in LOOSE, you'll plug up the Drain and create a REAL MESS!
I use a small cotton pillow case, and I put all herbs inside, and inside hot bath water.
Squeezing it several times for as long as 10 minutes will make more of it get into the water.
The Water turns a Yellowy Orange, and the scent is very strong!
These HOT Herbs HELP to induce HYPERTHERMIA.
To further ACCELERATE HYPERTHERMIA, I drink HOT Herbal Tea, while I am inside, in the Bath.
According to
Dr. Schulze , "For adults, the BEST bitter Diaphoretic (fever-inducing) Tea is Yarrow, which was what Dr. Christopher suggested."
I prefer Ginger instead, since it is a taste, that I and most People KNOW and LIKE!
Ginger really ACTIVATES the Digestive System, makes you SWEAT, and it's also readily AVAILABLE! I'm always looking for the Herbs, that really WORK and are EASY-to-get at your local Health Food Store.
You can even get minced, dehydrated Garlic Cloves, if you have NO other choice. Now you've got the Garlic for the Rectal Injection, and everything that you will need for the "COLD SHEET" Treatment, from the Grocery Store. Drink as many Cups of the Herbal Tea as you can get down, but the MINIMUM is 6!
If you get LIGHT-HEADED and you feel like FAINTING, have your Helper place a COLD Towel or Washcloth on your Forehead. Also, there are 2 Herbal Tinctures (Home-Made), that you should ALWAYS have on hand: CAYENNE and LOBELIA!
CAYENNE PREVENTS People from fainting and LOBELIA STOPS FULL Body Spasms, that can occur SOMETIMES!
When I get to the Point, where I know that I can't stand it 1 Minute MORE, my wife makes sure I stay for about 5 MORE minutes!
Now, My wife helps me out of the Tub, and then wrap me in the "COLD SHEET"!.
This is a Double bed-size, clean, White Cotton Sheet (NOT Synthetic Fabric), that has been soaking in a Bucket of 20
pounds of ICE, so that this "COLD SHEET" is definitely ICE-COLD!
I don't even NOTICE it though, because I am in ANOTHER World!
"COLD SHEET" signals the Body to raise it's Temperature even HIGHER!
The sides of the Sheet are then pinned, so that I can NOT throw it off.
This "COLD SHEET" draws-out the POISONS and TOXINS, that have come to my Skin's Surface as a result of the HOT Bath!
Now, my wife helps me go into Bed.
The Bed has been prepared by putting a Plastic or Rubber Sheet over the Mattress, then a Cotton, Wool, Linen, or Silk Sheet (ANY Material that BREATHES - NO Synthetics) is laid over that. I lie down, while wrapped in the "COLD SHEET" and another dry, Non-Synthetic Sheet is put over me, and then I am covered with Non-Synthetic Blankets.
Lastly, with my Feet uncovered, my Feet and Ankles are oiled with Olive Oil, a thick Paste of Vaseline (VEGELATUM - Vegetable-based Substitute is preferable) is then applied and the Garlic Paste.
Garlic Paste is made with Vinegar, is applied to the Bottoms of my Feet to help get RID of ANY Infections in the System.
I use 2-inch gauze or torn, White Cotton Strips as a Bandage to hold the Garlic Paste on the Sole of the Foot. White, Cotton or Wool Socks are placed over the bandaged Feet.
Then, my feet are again COVERED with the "COLD SHEET".
The bottom of this "COLD SHEET" is pinned, so I am in a WET Sack. Then the DRY Sheets and Blankets are pulled over my Feet for WARMTH.
If you have to urinate, then just do it where you are, and do NOT take the "COLD SHEET" OFF!!
The Urine won't HURT anything, and it's NOT worth being REWRAPPED in the "COLD SHEET" and then having the Garlic Paste REAPPLIED!
I stay in the Sheets OVERNIGHT and, by the Morning, the Sheets have turned Multi-Colored from ALL of the POISONS and TOXINS, that have been drawn OUT of the body.
Dr. Christopher said that sometimes the Sheets turn ALL Shades of Purple, Yellow, Black and Green. These are the different POISONS and TOXINS, that have been in the Person for Years - sometimes for the Person's WHOLE Life!
In the Morning, I get brushing with a sponge from my wife.
I love this part.
I take 1 Part each of WARM Apple Cider Vinegar and Distilled Water to get the remaining POISONS and TOXINS out of the Pores.
Then, I get dressed into CLEAN Clothes and I am back to Bed.
I only eat Fruit and Vegetable Juices, Herbal Teas, and lots of Distilled Water for the next 3 days, s to provide a TOTAL Cleansing.
Juice fasting is something that you should definitely try before you try hyperthermia!
important note this routine is MANDATORY for the incurables program once a week
it is not optional even if you juice fast