19 get your skin working for you
19 get your skin working for you
so how can we get your skin working.
1. make sure the pores are open and do the skin brushing that is part of the incurables program daily (use only natural bristle brush, do the whole body and brush towards the heart)
2. forego antiperspirants. If you wish, google those words. Here is what a site says about the crystal rock deodorants
"Will this Reduce my Perspiration?
These deodorants are just that - deodorants. They are not antiperspirants. Your body will still be allowed to expel toxins naturally through perspiration; you simply won't have any of the accompanying odors."
3. take frequent dry saunas to increase sweating but be sure to drink something while doing this. I feel this is important step to do.
4. Stand in water up to your neck and use weights or exercise as you can sweat in the water and this increases lung capacity and also help by acting as a slow dialysis machine but if this makes it too hard to breathe, breathe in eucalyptus essential oil, exercise in lower water..if it is still too hard, move to chest level if you truly must. this is not use to sweat but to actually help in a safe way the same principle of the dialysis machine. Bring cayenne tincture with you in event of heart problems appearing and give 5 dropperfuls every five minutes if having a heart attack..less if not maybe 2 dropperfuls, Have someone nearby watching you for any signs of problems.
5, exercise and sweat..schulze says work up to one hour a day. the burdock and superfood may help the weakness some.