Re: Leaky gut/candida/anxiety/adrenals; LOST, need help...
Hi Seven,
From all the great details you left It is pretty clear to me that all your symptoms are related. They aren't as seperate of conditions as you think.
Poor eating habits can cause Candida which leads to leaky gut which strains your immune system. Eliminate slows and cleansing becomes more difficult through the normal channels. Adrenals gather their strength from nourishing minerals. They can be taxed from Candida because your body isn't absorbing the all the nutrients from the foods you eat.
The good part?
It can pretty much all be fixed all at once.
The bad part?
Its a long road to recovery but the only way to do it is through particular diet. Namely the Body Ecology DIET. This is the best and most healing diet in the world in my opinion. It helped me overcome
food allergies and chronic
Acne like no other diet could. I used to have really bad
Acne before this.
It sounds that you have already started on learning many of the healing foods. Adding cultured foods and probiotics is going to be an absolute must. I would also recommend adding supergreen food shakes (health store) this will help powerpack your nutritional deficiences. The diet addresses the candida and is very strict but works very well. I would start doing colon cleanses. Try starting with oxycleanse. Keeping the bowels moving at 2 or 3 times a day is a MUST when healing or the toxins will move through your skin ( I.E. your rash).
This will take 3-6 months and it will be a journey but you will heal. After a few months I would contact me and I can walk you through a few more cleanses that will progess your healing (what kidney, liver, and
parasite cleanses to do). For now it sounds your body is too weak to do anything except a food and colon changes.
GOOD LUCK! let me know how your journey towards health and happiness goes!