Re: Adrenal Ideas
Hello Tom,
Yes, I have the saliva test ordered (4 samples Cortisol and DHEA, plus estrogen, testosterone, progesterone), from Canary Club.
I have read around on the site you've mentioned, thanks. I'll check it out again.
I've just posted on the bottom of this message how I'm doing, which is on the whole, improved. Still having some odd moments and bizarre dreams (though the dreams have been with me for years).
I will check out that Why Am I Always So Tired? book. I don't know about the copper overload for sure, it's a speculation on my part, based on symptoms...but yes, it's possible.
Would still like to have a hair tissue mineral analysis, but it's just too much money right now - this is all big bucks, but so is being unwell!
If the adrenal test shows something significant, I'll put it up.