I want to be a doctor to help people, I believe human beings like ourselves were made to help other less fortunate people. Oh yea and I think you guys should seriously research on your facts instead of watching Scientology propaganda.
I showed this thread to open-minded people who have a diversity of knowledge in the medical field, here's what one replied after seeing this video *and he's seen it way before I showed it to him too*
Did you ever see research on pubmed etc which you would like to read in full rather than just a short abstract?
Some are free but many are behind a paywall costing quite a sum to read the full research paper and it might not even be of interest or cover the things that you want to know.
There are a few sites that offer full research papers for free but some are blocked by ISP's/governments.
The first is
Another is Library Genesis which is often blocked. It is blocked in the UK.
There are mirrors of this site which can allow access from places which block it. Here are a few, if you search for "libgen mirror" you might find other sites
These provide a large amount of research papers but the newest papers might not be available. sci-hub.bz did have a paypal donation but it looks like paypal has now disabled the account and blocked donations. Bitcoin is the only current method of donating. I have found a number of good research papers that I wanted after reading only the abstracts on pubmed.
To use it you get the DOI string from pubmed and then enter that into the search string. See image below:
Is another working link. This and http://sci-hub.tw are currently working for me.
I addressed this myth 5 months ago when it was posted previously:
Except for the fact that the guy does not have a clue of what he is talking about. For example a quote from Andreas' Moritz book: "By definition, a cancer cell is a normal, healthy cell that has undergone genetic mutation to the point that it can live in an anaerobic surrounding (an environment where oxygen is not available). In other words, if you deprive a group of cells of vital oxygen (their primary source of energy), some of them will die, but others will manage to alter their genetic software program and mutate in a most ingenious way: the cells will be able to live without oxygen and derive some of their energy needs from such things as cellular metabolic waste products." First of all the definition of cancer goes way beyond an anaerobic cell. Cancer cells have a much different morphology that healthy cells. Here is a list of some of the differneces: http://www.microbiologyprocedure.com/viruses-and-cancer/characteristics-of-ca... Pay special attention to the last part: "It is possible that the high energy requirements of actively dividing cancer cells may result in the cell adapting anaerobic glycolysis as a supplement to normal aerobic respiration" More evidence that cancer cells do not show complete anaerobic acitivty: "Hela cells (also called Hela) are highly stable immortalised cancer cells widely used in scientific research. This cell line was isolated from a cancer of the cervix of Henrietta Lacks uterine who died of cancer in 1951." Now read the quesiton and answer here: http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/974586 A lot of this myth has to do with the misquoting of Otto Warburg who said that cancer cells will ferment rather than respirate REGARDLESS of whether or not oxygen is present. He NEVER claimed that cancer was caused from a lack of oxygen as many people claim he said. As far as the claim that cancers will not lead to the death of the body, but rather that it is from a lack of nutrition, again this is false. Cancerous growths can kill the body through organ damage. Consider a brain tumor that basically crushes the brain. Or a cancer that causes a patient to bleed out. Or that causes so much damage to the liver that the liver fails. Here is another ridiculous statement from his book: "The body sees the cancer as being such an important defense mechanism that it even causes the growth of new blood vessels to guarantee the much-needed supply of glucose and, therefore, survival and spreading of the cancer cells." The body is not stimulating the growth of those blood vessels. The tumor itself secretes those growth factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) so it can feed itself, just like a parasite. The tumor also secretes small amounts of angiogenesis inhibitors to suppress the growth of secondary tumors, survival f the fittest. This is why when the primary tumor is removed the secondary tumors start growing faster. The angiogenesis inhibitors have been removed. "It is commonly believed that our immune system protects us against cancer. However, this is only partially true. On the one hand, the immune system readily destroys the millions of cancer cells that a healthy human body produces as part of the daily turnover of 30 billion cells. On the other hand, the immune system takes no action to eradicate cancer cells that develop in response to a build up of toxins, congestion and emotional stress." More garbage. First of all the body does not produce cancer cells every day. Cancer cells have very little in common with healthy cells or even benign tumors. Cancer is generally defined as an uncontrolled growth of cells. So by definition if the immune system is controlling the excess cells then it is not cancer. Secondly, any overgrowth of cells is not cancer. A wart is an overgrowth, but it is benign. And the immune system does not do a very good job of finding and destroying cancer cells because the cancer cells can hide from the immune system. Cancer cells use the same trick as the human fetus, which is a foreign protein to the mother's immune system due to the male DNA present. Both secrete human chorionic gonadotrophic hormone (HCG) as a shield to prevent detection from the immune system. The body is not aiding the cancer cells to help destroy itself. Cancer is a disease, not a survival mechanism. If you do the research you will find that the vast majority of cancers are caused from viruses. I would put it at about 95%. In fact all of the so-called "hereditary" cancers, such as breast cancer, have been shown to be caused by viruses. No human oncogenes have ever been found that I have heard of. All of the oncogenes have been found to be viral. Other cancers can be from bacteria, fungi, parasites (extremely rare), radiation damage, and possibly carcinogens. Although I feel carcinogens are more growth promoters than causes. The body is not going to allow infection by viruses, or bacteria, of fungi, or parasites, or allow itself to be deliberately irradiated to produce cancer as a survival mechanism. That is totally ludicrous!!!!
Yes, iodine is EXTREMELY controversial.
Prior to WWII it was not controversial at all, it was THE main medicine used for nearly everything in dosages up to 2 grams.
It was just as effective then as it is now at curing disease, not just "treating" disease as they do now with drugs.
Anti-iodine forces have lined up to fight against iodine in order to promote the vastly more profitable drugs being sold by Big Pharma.
In order to settle this dispute for yourself, you need only determine 3 questions.
1) Is iodine required by every cell in our body? Yes or No
2) If Yes, then how much and what kind?
3) WHY is iodine required by every cell in our body?
Honest answers to these questions are hard to find because they are buried under TONS of controversy. The Curezone VWT Iodine Forum has been discussing these issues for years.
You can verify my answers by searching the internet and focusing only on QUALIFIED doctors: Doctors Abraham, Brownstein, Cousens, Flechas, Derry, Davis, & Tenpenny. You can review most of their source documents Here: http://tinyurl.com/Iodine-Reading
Google "Doctor_name subject"
Here are my quick answers to save you the trouble:
1) Is iodine required by every cell in our body?
Yes !
- there is an iodine receptor in every cell in our body. Unfortunately, the toxins of Fluoride, Bromide & chlorine will also be attracted into our cells to make us sickly.
2) If Yes, then how much and what kind?
Lugols Iodine was developed over 125 years ago to cure disease. It contains both iodine AND iodide which are both required in different organs:
Iodide (SSKI) is preferred by the following:
* Lungs
* Thyroid needs 3% prefers iodide
* Skin needs 20% and prefers iodide
* Salivary Glands prefer iodide
Iodine (Lugols) is preferred by the following:
* Muscles (650mg) and fat needs(700mg iodine) 70%
* Breast tissue needs 3-5 mg / day minimum and prefers iodine
* Prostate prefers iodine
* Stomach prefers iodine
* Ovaries prefer iodine
kidneys, spleen, liver, blood, & intestines can use either form
The entire body stores 1500 mg 1.5 gm total
* Dr Brownstein Recommended supplements = Lugols Liquid or iodoral 12 or 50 mg caps
At the curezone we have discovered that 100mg a day is optimal to start with and for maintenance. If you suffer any disease such as asthma, then up to 1 gram of SSKI is required.
3) WHY is iodine required by every cell in our body.
- Iodine is used by our immune system to kill cancer cells, defective cells, fungus, bacteria & virus. Iodine is THE BIG GUN in our immune system.
There you have it, If you don't supplement with at least 50 mg a day of Lugols or iodoral, then sooner or later you WILL become sickly. Especially if you are female.
Men don't begin suffering iodine deficiency until age 40, when prostate, ejaculation, & erectile dysfunction begins. Iodine is required by the testes to produce Testosterone. Cure erectile dysfunction with iodine!
Women suffer with hormonal problems from iodine deficiency as well. Their ovaries require iodine to produce female hormones.
I recommend that everyone read this book: The Iodine Crises: What you don't know about Iodine Can Wreck you Life. It is also available for Nook & electronic download at Amazon.Com.
Best to you,
Dr. Bakker gets it, and is very knowledgeable on iodine. Here are his comments:
Lets hear what the Trolls & Shills have to say about this message.
Best to all,
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