Why Non-medicational Interpersonal Or (And) Impersonal Emotional Comforts, Reliefs, Supports etc Are So Essential As A Part of The Holistic Approach For Mental Disorders ?
Why Non-medicational Interpersonal Or (And) Impersonal Emotional Comforts, Reliefs, Supports etc Are So Essential As A Part of The Holistic Approach For Mental Disorders ?
Well, I have suggested in my previous posts about the following as the holistic approach for mental disorders :
1/3 of medicational helps + 1/3 of psychotherapies, interactive, interpersonal, emotional, communication, conselling supports from the others + 1/3 of self-determinations, self-initiatives, self-controls, self-wills and self-disciplines to think positively, rationally, realistically and practically as well as to lead a normal and healthy life ;
As such, I would like to emphasize once again that the non-medicational emotional comforts, reliefs, supports etc either in interpersonal or impersonal forms (and a combination of both depending on different mental conditions of different mentally-ill people), are in fact, very essential and indispensable in enabling the ones troubled with mental disorders to make real, genuine, long-lasting and sustainable improvements for their mental conditions towards the path of full recoveries in the end.
Well, based on what I have learnt so far from the psychologists is that, everyone of us naturally are born with the innate urges to get upset, angry and even mad especially when we face certain surroundings, incidences, people that are considered unpleasant to us.
Next, in terms of normal people who are not troubled by any mental illnesses, they normally have the mental abilities derived from their sensible minds and sanities to at least try to resist and overcome such urges to get upset, angry, mad etc whenever they feel like doing so by trying on their very own to calm themselves down.
Whilst in terms of the ones troubled with mental disorders, well, given that their mind powers are weaker, they thus have lesser abilities to do so, and hence would tend to more easily get upset, angry, mad etc at things that are considered to be unpleasant to them.
As a matter of fact, in terms of psychological reasoning, the mental abilities of the normal healthy mentally-sound people to at least try to resist such urges to get upset, angry, mad etc, such as what I have mentioned above, well, such mental abilities actually come from the "calming forces" nurtured, developed and accumulated into their respective minds on an ongoing way, normally and spontaneously without even them noticing it, through such events, incidences, activities, surroundings, people etc in their everyday life that would naturally make them feel happy, joyous, serene etc.
Whilst for the ones troubled with mental disorders, since they do not have enough / are very much lacking in such "calming forces" in their conscious / subconscious minds, they thus face certain difficulties in trying to control their moods and mental conditions in the effective ways like the normal healthy people who are mentally sound.
For example, given a distressing incidence, different people would tend to react differently to it. Whilst the persons who are mentally sound could just at least try their best not to get upset too easily by such an unpleasant incidence, the ones troubled with mental diorders such as depression etc, may just turn out to be emotionally weaker and could not resist the urges to get depressed etc. In short, there are just not enough "calming forces" in their own minds to enable them to resist such urges to do so.
As such, non-medicational emotional comforts and reliefs are thus very important and essential in nurturing, developing and accumulating such "calming forces" in the minds of the ones troubled with mental disorders in such a way that when they have gathered enough and sufficient "calming forces" in their own minds, they would then be able to consciously stabilize their mental conditions and exercise certain self-controls on their own so as to at least try to resist the urges and refrain themselves to get upset, angry, mad at others etc especially when facing certain unpleasant incidences.
Besides, in terms of general cognitive behavioural process of Perceptions (anything we see, we hear, we know, we taste, we touch etc from our surroundings / other people) => Feelings (the way we feel about our surroundings and other people based on anything we see, hear, know, taste, touch etc) => Thoughts (the types of views and opinions that we form in our minds based on the types of feelings we have for anything we perceive) => Actions (how we choose to react in response to those surroundings / other people based on the feelings and thoughts that arise in our minds),
psychologically, the entire process can actually be explained in such a way that when the particular surroundings, environments, people's behaviours / attitudes etc (Perceptions) just through some effectively positive means / efforts of non-medicational emotional comforts / reliefs etc, appear to be pleasant, peaceful and friendly to certain people troubled with mental disorders, they would thus get to become calmer and calmer in a natural way in the long-run especially when they are continually exposed to such pleasant surroundings, environments, people's friendly behaviours / attitudes etc on a permanently ongoing basis (Feeling), and when such "calming forces" are accumulated sufficiently in their very own minds, this would then enable them to at least try to resist any thoughts / urges to feel upset, angry, mad etc at certain incidences, especially the ones that they have never expected and that are considered unpleasant to them (Thoughts). Finally and ideally, such an ongoing scenario would thus result in gradually step by step improvements in their mental conditions especially in terms of positive behavioural changes for the better and better conditions (Actions).
Similarly, the same explanations would apply as well to other scenarios that anyone, including the ones who are mentally-sound, face in their everyday life.
For instance, when the mentally-sound healthy persons are exposed, especially unwillingly to certain hostile, harsh and unfriendly surroundings / environments / people (Perceptions) for a certain long period of time, and no matter how tolerant they may initially get to be, they may just lose their patience at one particular point of time in that they might couldn't help themselves but to feel annoyed, angry, upset, mad etc in the end (Feelings). Next, the accumulated calming forces they possess would then start depleting gradually initially, and then substantially as times go by, in that they may just start forming negative thoughts about the hostile, harsh and unfriendly surroundings / environments / people they face in their everyday life, even without them noticing such a change in the negative ways they think (Thoughts). In the end, such thoughts may just give rise to certain negative behavioural changes in them by becoming enervative / dejected, acting angrily, furiously etc (Actions).
And, let me just give you all one example, and please bear in mind that it is just for references purpose only. Well, I have dealt with a patient having such a symptom that he couldn't help himself at all but simply has the irresistable urges to appear himself to be violently mad to others (without any intentions to harm anyone at all) whenever he talks to any other people. Whilst such urges in him to automatically get "mad" at others when talking to them, have just become so overwhelming and involuntarily uncontrollable that it has become habitual, even beyond his very own free wills, subconsciousness and consciousness in that, he simply could not realize what he is doing when he unintentionally get mad at the others. In short, his sensibilities, mind powers, self-wills and sanities largely could not overcome and resist such urges at such a stage.
And upon knowing that the particular patient likes to gaze at the sea during sunset and having observed that the patient's mood tends to get better whenever and after he does so, I would, without the patient knowing anything, make the arrangements accordingly for the particular patient to get to the seaside to gaze at the sea during sunset as frequently as possible so let he could get naturally calmer and calmer as time goes by.
Next, when the particular patient is confident and comfortable enough to relate to other people, and is able to summon enough courages to confide in me, I would then request that patient to take me along to his favourite seaside to admire both the beautiful surroundings of the seaside and the marvellous views of the sunset.
Subsequently, I will try my best to talk about anything in inductive, subtle, indirect, subliminal and friendly communicational manners that are acceptable to him and could make him feel happy, joyous, serene, confident and sensible just like his good friend (from his very own perspective), rather than as a social worker trying to improve his mental conditions or to cure him.
All in all, my very purpose of doing so is primarily, and indirectly without him knowing anything at all (so as to avoid any unnecessary stress that may potentially arise on his part), to cultivate and nurture bit by bit such "calming forces" into his mind in such a way that when such "calming forces" are accumulated sufficiently in him, that would give him the very ability to be conscious and mentally stronger enough to at least to try to resist such urges to get mad automatically at the others without him being totally unable to resist such urges at all.
Besides, in terms of the principles of general cognitive behavioral process of Perceptions => Feelings => Thoughts => Actions, this is also the very basic concept that we, as voluntary social workers, apply in figuring out various inductive, subtle, indirect, subliminal and friendly ways and means to effectively help the mentally-ill people troubled with different mental problems of different causes, symptoms and degrees of severities, so as to bring about positive personality changes in them gradually step-by-step.
Next, a great deal of patience, considerations and tolerances would be required especially from the ones who really care about and want to help the persons troubled with mental disorders so as to genuinely improve their mental conditions gradually and slowly step by step towards full recoveries.
Next, for the medications intended for and are very especially effective in bringing down especially the uncontrollable symptoms of mental disorders, I would like to add that :
Whilst in terms of medications for mental disorders, especially the antipsychotics / neuroleptics for psychosis disorders, well, they invariably would work in such a way that they would artificially intercept with the synaptic activities of the neurotransmitters chemical serotonin, dopamine etc so as to artificially block any negative nerve impulses from getting sent to the brains, and in this way, the related patients would get to calm down and be pacified substantially throughout the effective period of each dosage of such medications. And that's particularly the reason why they are labelled as powerful tranquilizers and mind-altering drugs that work by changing the effects of chemicals in the brain.
Nevertheless, in terms of such drug treatments, since the whole mechanisms are totally artificial and given the fact that the interceptions of the neurotransmitters chemicals and the blockings of negative nerve impulses by the therapeutical / curative effects of such antipsychotics / neuroleptics are actually no different from false / artificially forced suppressions of those nerve impulses, rather than a natural process by themselves, various neurological disorders would thus arise when such powerful antipsychotics / neuroleptics are over-relied upon to the point of sheer abuse in the long-term especially when the normal functionings of neurotransmitters chemicals are disturbed and disrupted in the end. Next, given the fact that the various nervous systems work with our brains to maintain the normal functionings of the human bodies, the brains would then get affected too in the worst case scenario in the end, and that would include structural changes of the brains.
In reality, what would really happen is such that the artificial therapeutical mechanisms of "forced suppressions" of negative nerve impulses and artificial interferences with the synaptic activities of the neurotransmitters, neurons, nervous systems and brains through taking such related medications would actually numbed the cognitive senses of the ones taking them. And that's the main reason why certain people taking such medications, would just appear like a zombie to the others over the effective period of each dosage of the related medications.
And as a matter of fact, all the antipsychotics / neuroleptics and any medications for mental disorders, well, no matter how advanced they are, there is simply no way for such medications to deliver any of the actual healing effects that are equivalent to the interpersonal counselling therapies / emotional supports from the close ones etc, that the mentally-ill people need for further genuine improvements of their mental conditions and their final recoveries in the end.
Besides, given their subsequent potentially disastrous neurological / neuromuscular, and in the worst-case scenario, neuro-degenerative side effects such as Parkinsonism, Dementia, Alzheimers etc which involve damages and losses of brain cells, neurons etc, certain efforts and precautions thus would be necessary to avoid the manifestations of all these undesirable side effects of such medications.
All in all, I am not saying that antipsychotics / neuroleptics and other related medications meant for the treatments of various mental disorders are bad for the ones taking them. Well, such medications, in my opinion, actually work like double-edged swords whereby on one part, they are very effective in bringing the undesirable symptoms of mental disorders under control, whilst the downsides of them are such that their subsequent hazardous neurological / neuromuscular and neuro-degenerative side effects are definitely undesirable for anyone taking them. As such, careful precautions would need to be exercised closely to guard against the eventual manifestations of the hazardously undesirable side effects of such medications for mental disorders.
Besides, In terms of psychological mental disorders which are totally different from other physiological / bodily / somatic / disorders such as heart attacks, diabetes, kidney failures etc, taking such medications for mental disorders are in fact, not the conclusive cure / solution to such disorders.
Next, as a matter of fact, other non-medicational efforts such as what I have mentioned above, should also be put in and taken at the same time to complement all the inadequacies and shortcomings of such medications as well as to achieve a holistic approach for the treatments of various mental disorders.
In short, the non-medicational "calming forces" that could be cultivated, nurtured, developed and accumulated and instilled little by little indirectly into the minds of the ones troubled with mental disorders through such efforts of non-medicational emotional comforts and reliefs are thus essential and indispensable in enabling them to at least be able to try to control their own moods and emotions especially when facing anything unpleasant to them, as well as helping them to achieve genuine, long-lasting and sustainable improvements for their mental conditions towards the path of final recoveries.
In addition, generally and basically, all the non-medicational efforts of psychotherapies, interactive, interpersonal, emotional, communication, conselling supports etc from the others who really care about the ones troubled with mental illnesses, such as what I have mentioned above, are thus very important in building up such "calming forces" in them.
Next, in terms of all such non-medicational efforts to provide emotional comforts, reliefs, supports etc to the ones troubled with mental problems, there are simply no hard and fast / fixed rules / ways for them to be conducted in that such efforts to produce such "calming forces" in them can be flexibly anything positive that are emotionally comfortable and acceptable to the related persons troubled with mental disorders. In short, such non-medicational mental comforts,reliefs, supports etc can come in any forms (either interpersonally or impersonally and a combination of these two efforts depending on the different mental conditions of different people) that appeal / are naturally mentally-comforting to the ones troubled with mental disorders, such as the example mentioned above.
All in all, all these non-medicational efforts that could be interpersonal as well as impersonal or a combination of these two efforts depending on the different mental conditions of different people, they are all directed to the very purpose of giving ongoing emotional comforts, reliefs and supports to the ones troubled with mental disorders so that they could gather and accumulate enough as well as sufficient "calming forces" into their minds to straighten out their thoughts, to clear out the confusions and disturbances troubling their minds, to let they themselves become more and more emotionally stronger and mentally sounder, and most importantly, to enable them make genuine, sustainable, long-lasting improvements for their mental conditions as well as to help them slowly regain their sanities from time to time towards the very goal of their final recoveries from mental disorders.
In short, the entire psychological process can be summarized as follows :
Non-medicational interpersonal or (and) impersonal emotional comforts, reliefs, supports and "calming forces" cultivated, nurtured and accumulated gradually, continually and sufficiently into the minds of the of the ones troubled with mental problems
=> (will bring about)
More and more self-confidences, higher and higher levels of self-consciousnesses and greater and greater sanities that would enable these persons to at least try to calm themselves down, to stabilize their mental conditions on their own, to think lucidly and reasonably and to act / respond rationally to what they deal with in their everyday life.