Re: cancer is a DEFENSE MECHANISM--not a disease
Hi Chris, back to see there's been some activity here. People often will not come forward to post on disagreements, or so I've seen.
Anyway--I see a lot of knee-jerk reaction to the subject heading/statement/title of Moritz's book, not surprisingly, and I'm not sure people have actually read the book, or know the level of insight and knowledge that supports this work.
To answer you directly, Chris: "a defence against what?"
A defence against the body's turning against itself (potentially fatally) as the latter part of a long process of enervation and toxaemia. The "mechanism" of defence is a more advanced form of the very same defence mechanism if you will, that brings the body to the state of "a cold" or "the flu"; both of which are not 'caught' by every person, regardless of contact, and are certainly intimately connected to the cleansing needs of the body in question.
I'm not so interested in all the details of "virus" or no, and what exactly constitutes a virus-- I think that is a minefield of half-understood distractions from the realer issue, which is; that a body given half a chance, will return to health; suggesting that cancer *may be* actually truly a "defence mechanism". I don't see why this is such a problem for some people to get their heads around. Granted, it is a head-turner, a belief-upender, which was surely Moritz's aim. A belief it might be recalled, is only thought long-held to be true. You (that is, one) might allow that society has been propagandized up the yin-yang with the belief-system-strengthening notions of attack always being something 'out there' and random, thus leaving people vulnerable, and ready to believe in the ongoing search for cancer cures. And to follow doctors’ advice, regardless of the cost to life and limb.
as you say though; and I don't see any possible conflict with this statement:
The prevention of chronic disease is really quite simple and uncomplicated: be free from toxemia and support the health of the body via a nutrient-dense plant-based diet which in turn supports an extremely powerful immune system.
Exactly! Which really quite dissolves the hobgoblin of the "disease" mantra, and the hornswaggeling that passes for, or effortfully obstructs truth; which is really what Moritz aims to do, in my view; that is, to dissolve erroneous belief, and with it, fear and hopelessness.
If no random attacker, then no mind-bending fear, and no control by the mainstream. When out of balance there is dis-ease. We know that. Neither Moritz nor I ( and I have nothing whatsoever to do with him; just value his contributions) are saying there is not "dis-ease"; he's speaking to the thought systems programmed to think "disease" as immovable object, as done deal; as something addressable only by toxic and invasive "procedures" that render a person helpless in the cogs of a very large medico-industrial machine- whose size and shape is fantastic, as in monstrously large: beyond seeing.
I hope some do take the time to look into Andreas' work... which is really what I was hoping would result. This is not the first time H and I are returned to the same basic difference in stance and POV, though I don't, at heart, see there is really anything to disagree with.