Hi all,
For the past year I have been suffering from some symptoms
I took a few rounds of antibiotics in the past few years, and also was under stress, I feel these may have compromised my immune system?
I really want to know how to fix this as it has really messed my life up
I hope my tests may be useful for those who are in similar boat
My symptoms:
My test results:
Blood test
Stool test
I also did a food sensitivity test (IGG), from the Great Plains Lab (reliable?), and it said I am very sensitive to Wheat and Gluten, which I have cut down as much as possible (this was done a while before my stool test
Any help is really appreciated
Should I see a functional doctor? I am already poor from doing these tests, so I really want to solve this without spending more money
Happy if anyone wants to talk to me on skype - please PM me
Have you been to a dentist recently? Do you have amalgam fillings/root canals?
If you do check this chart to match up each tooth that does have either to see if that tooth is connected to your sinuses through the meridians.
Read the last item for tooth #18 = Ethmoid sinus.
Now read this pages symptoms = Bad breath. Maybe not, but a starting place for sure.
It also can cause the sinuses to be congested all the time.
Maybe there's still an infection where the RC was removed.
If it were me, I would stay away from antibiotics and after irrigating the sinuses would put droppers full of colloidal silver in each nostril repeatedly because if it's infected from the tooth it could keep re infecting until you get that problem fixed.
Also I would not do the recommendation for acetaminophen as it has been linked to liver problems,etc.
Here's part of a post I posted to another person that was having digestive problems, and related issues
Some of the problems you mentioned really hit home with me since I have been reading the book "Wheat Belly" by William Davis M.D. In fact pretty much all that you mentioned can come from wheat sensitivety. Actually I can't think of any health problem that people have posted about on this forum that wasn't included. Including Cancer, and weight loss, and everything in between.
You can get this book in several formats: On cd, Audible Audio, Hard back, or delivered wirelessly to your Kindle, or Computer which is the cheapest. I haven't finished the book yet, but my arthritis pain in my leg have reduced considerably.
We have been told to eat more grains, and less fat and that is exactly the opposite of what you should be doing.
Anyway just a suggestion. http://tinyurl.com/ntcy3es
It has been said that 2 million people are "celiac", and 1 millilon 800 thousand don't know it. It can kill you. My brother and I had a friend that died from it years ago, but I thought it was something that just a few people had problems with., so I didn't take it to seriously until lately.
I think with all that you mention it is not something that some magical medication is going to take care of. Wheat can play havoc with your whole body, and it is in everything. Cookies, crackers, donuts, pasta, bread, muffins, cup cakes, etc. Start with eliminating that crap, then read the book.
@greenbay27 How long did you take your Probiotics drug to cure your BB? Is it within 2months, 3months, 6months or 1year or more? Please just tell me how long. Thanks!
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