Have you been to a dentist recently? Do you have amalgam fillings/root canals?
If you do check this chart to match up each tooth that does have either to see if that tooth is connected to your sinuses through the meridians.
Read the last item for tooth #18 = Ethmoid sinus.
Now read this pages symptoms = Bad breath. Maybe not, but a starting place for sure.
It also can cause the sinuses to be congested all the time.
Maybe there's still an infection where the RC was removed.
If it were me, I would stay away from antibiotics and after irrigating the sinuses would put droppers full of colloidal silver in each nostril repeatedly because if it's infected from the tooth it could keep re infecting until you get that problem fixed.
Also I would not do the recommendation for acetaminophen as it has been linked to liver problems,etc.
Just to let you know, unless he used a cavitat machine, or other device that looks at the density of the bone, you could still have an infection in the jaw bone.[Cavitation]
Of course I haven't had any dental work done for years so maybe there is something new I haven't heard about.
Before the ENT you could try to irrigate your sinuses with CS mixed with distilled water, and [salt to keep it tolerable] Otherwise it will burn some. After draining all the water out, and blowing your nose 3 or 4 times put dropper fulls of CS in each nostril with your head tilted back, and dropper full in each ear as they connect to the sinus. Do this every couple of hours, or as much as you can. One irrigation should be enough as long as followed by the CS.
Do this every day for a week or so. If after that if the infection comes back then see the ENT.
Cavitations can really cause problems. In my case mine was on the bottom directly under the jaw hinge on the right side. My jaw would click and be painfull every time I opened my mouth, and the pain ran down the back of my head, and into the shoulder. After having the jaw scraped, and cleaned out all that went away.
How a cavitation in the upper jaw would act, I don't know but I would think it would cause sinus problems for sure.
That's a new one for me. I'll have to look into that... cavitat machine.
The following is an excerpt from the web page. I suggest reading it all.
"Diagnosis of Cavitations Diagnostic Blocks Occurrence of Cavitations/NICO – the CAVITATTM Preparation – Oral Preparation – Systemic Sedation Surgical Procedure At times it is necessary to remove an avital or root canal tooth. The instruments and procedures are used to help prevent contamination of the open bone area and to remove the necrotic (dead), osteomyelitic (infected) and toxic bone. This can be a slow and tedious process, especially when the necrotic bone surrounds the alveolar nerve or extends into the sinuses. After the necrotic bone is removed, the surgical site is irrigated with various solutions to aid in the removal of bacteria and toxins. To assist with bone regeneration, platelet rich fibrin alone or in conjunction with bone regenerative material can be placed in the surgical site. The area is closed with special sutures that help prevent bacterial growth. If there is extensive bone damage, a bone regenerative material and/or resorbable membrane to guide new bone growth may be placed. Post Surgery http://www.milldental.com/our-services/jawbone-cavitations/ Also this may not apply to you, but you stated the you have reservations about ENT's. Just a suggestion to check before the ENT.
Diagnosis – the first step in successfully treating cavitations (NICO). Currently, a diagnosis is made using a panoramic type x-ray ( 2D or 3D). This large x-ray produces an image of the upper jaw, lower jaw, teeth and sinuses. A panoramic x-ray does not always detect early stages of osteonecrosis in the bone, but many lesions can be seen on this type of x-ray.
A relatively simple technique used to locate and confirm the presence of a NICO lesion. Here a few drops of non-vasoconstrictive anesthetic is injected into the gum tissue over a suspected site. Several minutes are allowed to pass and the pain pattern is evaluated for change. By doing this slowly and sequentially one can gain a greater awareness of the condition and location of the source lesion.
Bob Jones, the inventor of the CAVITATTM (an ultrasound instrument designed to detect and image cavitations) has scanned several thousand sites where wisdom teeth had been previously extracted. He reported finding cavitations of various sizes and severity in approximately 94% of these sites. He reported finding cavitations under or located near 100% of root canal filled teeth scanned in both males and females of various ages from several geographic areas of the United States.
Once the diagnosis is made and the need for surgical treatment determined, the patients need to be prepared. Naturally, the oral cavity is the most germ-laden area of the body. Plaque, calculus, or periodontal disease only increases the severity of the problem. Prior to surgery the patient’s mouth, including the teeth, gums and tongue need to be as clean as possible. This may require a professional hygiene appointment at a dental office and diligent home care including brushing, flossing, rinsing, irrigating, and tongue scraping. Oral care products containing fluoride, alcohol, and sodium lauryl sulfate should be avoided.
There are several products, including enzymes, homeopathic lymphatic drainage remedies, natural antimicrobials, and healing nutrients that may provide nutritional and systemic support prior to and after the surgery. In some cases, limited antibiotics may be needed. It is important that all body detoxification pathways are open and functioning well; bowels, kidneys, skin, lungs, and especially the lymphatics. Electrolyte balance is important for detoxification, healing, and ease in administering IV sedation.
Oral sedation, Audio Analgesia (MillCalm) or Intravenous (IV) sedation, can be important in the surgical procedure, especially in the removal of a large or extensive cavitation/ (NICO) lesions, involving the alveolar nerve or the sinuses. MillCalm is the preferred route to deep relaxation as it is the healthiest. Through oral or IV administration, patients receive medication to make them relaxed. This conscious sedation allows the patient to respond to the surgeon’s requests or instructions. This is not the same as general anesthesia. Conscious sedation helps the procedure pass more quickly and painlessly. The surgical procedure is more comfortable for the patients and easier for the surgeon. Blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation are continually monitored. Oxygen and EKG monitoring should be available. The surgeon’s instructions must be followed and a responsible adult who can transport them following the procedure must accompany the patient.
After the patient is relaxed or sedated, local anesthetic is administered. A local anesthetic without vasoconstrictor is preferred, because it is the least toxic and least damaging. Additionally, homeopathic antibiotics and pain interrupters are administered. An incision in the gum and bone is performed. Once access is gained then specimens are removed for biopsy.
During and following surgery, intravenous vitamin C (IV-C) can assist with healing, cleaning up toxic materials and bacteria released into the bloodstream and detoxifying local anesthetics and IV medications. We provide this service or will coordinate with a nearby holistic physician. Tenderness and soreness generally occur in the area of the surgery and can be controlled with pain medication. Some swelling and bruising may occur. The area may ache during the healing process. We recommend liquid diet the first day and soft foods the first week. Salt water and/or antimicrobial rinses (silver hydrosol), and continued oral hygiene are important. Sutures are removed 7-10 days after the surgery. If any indication of infection (swelling, fever, increasing pain) occurs, the surgeon should be contacted immediately. The number of areas treated during one surgery depends on the number of lesions to be treated and the individual.
With your CS, how many ppm do you use? I want to make sure that I am using CS at a strength that will kill bacteria effectively.
Oh yea, the PPM of the CS. I make my own, and it is always between 6, and 10 PPM. Is that all you need? It has worked for me, that's all I can tell you.