I dont your whole story but it could possibly be your diet,your ph balance, or it may be coming from your nose area. For years I went thru with a bad odor In kept smelling. Come to find out it came from my breath. My gums would bleed alot when brushing my teeth.
I ended up getting an
Antibiotic toothpaste and using something for my gums, which helped my problem alot.Gingivitis and periodontist can spread to other parts of the body which was my case. Cleansing your colon is good with phylum husk ( they have the flavored kind)
also I cut out
Sugar from my diet as nd eat lots of salads, and grapes (black grapes) I know there as probiotics for women which help with odors from BV. They help your DC digestive health or your ph balance. Another thing would be to try something for hormonal imbalance as well.They have female probiotics on Amazon,. Not saying this will help but it's worth looking into if u still are having this problem.