My Health Journey
by Sacristia
Page 6 of 11

Day 13 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
February 2, 2011 Wow, that a night with the ice/rain storm coming in. I laid in bed longer then I should have, but I had an idea that I wasn’t going to be going to work today, because of all the cancellations that were being said on our local AM radio station, while I laid in bed. We were on a Level 2 snow emergency, and when it is that bad, the County Courthouse closes, as we don’t stay open very long either. I got up, and got dressed and did all my things that I normally do when I am preparing for work. When I went to go outside, I couldn’t get my screen door open very far, as th ...   read more

Day 12 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
February 1, 2011 I was up earlier then I normally would be since we had a frozen ice storm, so I knew that my car would be covered with ice. I got up around 7:05 a.m and did my normal routines: Wash my face, brush my teeth, do my hair (simple brushing it and pinning it up) get dressed, and make my bed. I layered today, as I have been since my last water fast. I feel much warmer when I do layer. I wore a tank top, a thin cotton long sleeved shirt, and a bulking sweater. I wore my long knee stocks with my leg warmers, underneath my pants. I find that my legs don’t get cold any longer. L ...   read more

Day 11 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
January 31, 2011 I had a good night even though I woke up several times during the night. My morning was pretty normal as it usually is, but it was much nicer to flush the toilet and run the water a bit more then I was able to the last week or so. I am very happy about that. My day at the office was okay as I kept myself very busy that the day went very quickly. I tried to remember to balance myself on my chair a bit so I could strengthen my abdominal muscles, but at times it wasn’t always easy to remember to do that. I am thinking about looking up some chair exercises that I might ...   read more

Day 10 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
January 30, 2011 I had a lovely morning, even thought my mind was tied up with emotional things. Phil texted me around 2:30 a.m to tell me that he was lonely and was wondering what I was doing. I told him that I was sleeping until he woke me up. I told him I understood the loneliness as I missed his company. Then he said “I don’t know if I should ask this, but would you like to spend the night with with me?” I was shocked that he would even ask. I was really torn, because deep in my heart, I really wanted to, but I knew that the reason for him asking was just because he was feelin ...   read more

Day 9 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
January 29, 2011 I had lovely night the night before, and I woke up early on Saturday morning. I was wake and up for a short while at 8:30 a.m. I stayed awake until around 10:00 a.m, and ate some bean stew with a bit of hot sauce. I pulled out a single sirloin burger patty out of the freezer, since I didn’t have any fresh salmon to cook up for lunch or dinner, so I thought I would make one for lunch or dinner tonight. After wards relaxing and reading, I fell back asleep until around noon. I guess I wasn’t really ready to get up LOL I checked my sewer line, by flushing it and foun ...   read more

Day 8 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
January 28, 2011 I had a rough night. I know it was the Brussels sprouts that I had with my dinner, as if I don’t cook them just right, I get a lot of tummy upsetting gas, which I had. I didn’t boil the Brussels spouts, I steamed them with my other veggies and my Salmon. It just isn’t enough to fully cook them enough that my belly can handle them. I was taking a chance when I ate them and now, won’t eat them again unless I really boil them or make sure they are really really steamed, if even I have to do it separately (as I still have at least 2 cups left of fresh Brussels sprouts. ...   read more

Day 7 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
January 27, 2011 I didn’t sleep well last night. I fell asleep early, and work up again around 10:30. I was out for about 2 hours, as my TV was set to go off in two hours. I woke up just one minute before it was going to be going off. I fell asleep again and woke up again around 3:00 a.m. I think I was suffering from a bit of gas, from eating those Brussels sprouts. I was very hesitant about getting them and cooking them, as in the past, if I ate just 3 of them, I would have a horrible belly ache for hours. So when I ate them, I made sure that I chewed them really good and slow, so th ...   read more

Day 6 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
January 26, 2010 I felt really good when I woke up. I was wide awake and wondering what the day would bring me. I have been feeling very good about things lately. I can’t say that anything has really changed, other then I am talking to my Dad again. I think that eating well, as given me a sense of calm and relaxation, as well as I am talking to God again. I know that I am sleeping better then I was in the past, as well as since I am not water fasting, I can sleep better and I feel warmer then I did. That is the only thing I really dislike about water fasting, is how the lowering of ...   read more

Day 5 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
January 25, 2010 I woke up feeling really good. I am having a little bit of a problem trying to get into a daily routine such as packing my lunch, making my tea, etc. I guess it is because that didn’t have that routine for last least 10 days or so. I am sure I will get better at it, as I keep doing it over the weeks. I have noticed that my belly fat is getting squishier, or maybe it is because it IS getting smaller. I know that I showed my best friend, Christy it over the weekend. She believes that it is getting smaller, even though I feel that it is almost like playing a mind game ...   read more

Day 4 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
January 24, 2010 It was lovely getting back to work, as I had a productive weekend, and now I was ready to apply myself at my job as well. When I was eating my lunch, I realized how firm my lentils were as well as how green then were as well. I thought it was odd, when I realized that I must have grabbed the bag of green split peas instead of the bag of lentils. So my mushroom onion barley and lentil stew is really barley and split pea stew! LOL, well it tastes good anyway. I definitely have to say that eating veggies really give me a brighter outlook on things. Most of all, I r ...   read more

Day 3 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
January 23, 2010 I was very active today, as Sunday was going to be my cleaning and fixing day. I spend a bit of time relaxing in my living room and watching a movie, while I crocheted a new scarf, but I quit after a while, as I didn’t have enough yarn. I was planning on going out to pick up a couple things that I needed need around the house anyway, so I could stop by Walmart and buy some more yarn with my gift card I still have left, so I could finish it. I ended up going to Odd Lots to pick up a bar curtain rod, some curtain rod clips, a set of containers, so that I could freeze ...   read more

Day 2 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
January 22, 2010 I am feeling really good, even thought it is cold in my place. I woke up really early (around 5 a.m.) and fell back to sleep until around 10:00 a.m. When I finally got up, I called my mother to talk to her a bit, since it was the weekend. I took a shower and found my skin to be very dry, so I put a bit of baby oil on my skin after my shower. It was so nice to feel the softness (even though it was very dry) of my skin. I definitely felt so much better, energy wise, then I have in the last two weeks. I didn’t seem to have any intestinal problems with re-feeding. I ...   read more

Day 1 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
January 21, 2010 I woke up feeling great. I got up a bit early, as it snowed, so I would have to shovel and get my car started a good amount of time before I usually do. As I was getting dressed, I looked at my figure and realized that I am actually a very good looking 36 year old. I guess since my self esteem has been in tatters for the last year and a half that I didn’t realize how lovely I can look. I have always in the past too pride with taking care of my body and I think that kind of fell along the wayside because of being frustrated, confused, upset and stressed out a lot rega ...   read more

Day 3 of Juice Fast - Broke Water/Juice Fast in Evening   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
January 20, 2010 I woke up after a lovely night. I slept well, except when Mekong decided to walk with her bony paws onto my chest. Plus I woke up after she settled and laid down on my side, by sticking her little nose in my ear and snuffling. I almost laughed at her. She has done this more then once in the last 5 or 6 days since she has been sleeping with me again. I wonder if she is just trying to keep her nose warm or she is just curious. I found myself yawning last night and I wasn’t pay attention until her face was so close to mine. She was check out my open mouth! LOL She is a s ...   read more

Day 2 of Juice Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
January 19, 2010 Ugh! My day started off very slow, as I was up all night. I could relax enough to get to sleep. I finally did try to settle down around 6:30 a.m. only to be woken up by my mother calling me. I didn’t answer it, as I had to get up in a hour and a half. I needed some sleep. My eyes were burning when I woke up, but it was because I tired, of course, I had about 6 ounces of juice made from beets, leafy greens, carrots and a half an apple before work. It tasted good. Most of the rest of the day I drank water, as I didn’t make enough juice to take with me to work for my ...   read more

Day 1 of Juice Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
January 18, 2010 I had a better night sleeping when I was fighting Mekong to get off my head, as it was the only part of me exposed under the blankets. She surely loves me. LOL I was really glad to get back to work as I think that it keep my mind off on how I was feeling. I really had a hard weekend both physically, mentally and emotionally. I did a lot crying over the weekend. Sometimes about missing Travis, sometimes about missing my father and a lot about missing Phil and wondering where I stand with him. I wasn’t very tired mentally, but I know that my body was tired. I was ...   read more

Day 14 of Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
January 17, 2010 I made it to DAY 14! I can’t say that it was very easy. If anything, I had energy that was waning back and forth. I would feel good for a moment and then feel very ill. I laid in bed most of the weekend, not doing much, as I tried to go into town and do things, but I found myself wanting to gag while I was out shopping for toiletries, which is never good. Some times smells were really making me feeling ill as well. When I got up, I tried on a slimmer pair of size 10 jeans that I have. I have to say that I looked really great. I did my hair, put some earrings in and ...   read more

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A day by day account to my healthier confident life style, which includes a bit of fasting, better eating, more exerise, an awakened spiritual connection with God and more confident outlook of myself and my life regardless on what I am facing.… more...

Last Activity: 4 y ago
196 Messages   Last message 13 y ago
11 Comments   Last comment 4 y ago

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Created: 14 y   Oct 26 2010


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Comments (9 of 11):
Re: Day 8 of Water… ALB 13 y
Re: Day 8 of Water… lysab… 13 y
Re: Encouraging qu… Sacri… 13 y
Re: Day 27 of my p… Sacri… 14 y
Re: Day 27 of my p… Rainy… 14 y
Re: Day 22 of my p… Rainy… 14 y
Re: Day 21 of my p… Sacri… 14 y
Re: Day 21 of my p… lilpo… 14 y
Re: DAY 5 & 6 When… ren 14 y
All Comments (11)

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ShinyLife  10 y  (53)
Walking with God with my Fast  15 y  (16)
My Journey toward better and …  14 y  (12)

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