3rd day of re-feeding from my short water fast 14 y
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
”If you don’t know where you are going. How can you expect to get there?” ~Basil S. Walsh
November 13, 2010
Another day with mother and Grandmother. My brother hung out with us as well, so I felt like I had a support, when she did a little bit of nagging. As I said before we are a family “big” on eating, when we get together.
I ended up eating another omelet, but from a different restaurant, but I only ate about a quarter of it, as I didn’t like it. It had too much cheese, which I could taste that it was processed cheese (like in the wrapper slices), so my mother wasn’t happy wit ... read more
2nd day of re-feeding from my short water fast 14 y
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
”There is no achievement without goals.” ~Robert J. Mckain
November 12, 2010
I spent another day with my mother and Grandmother, so I was a bit worried that my mother would wonder why I wasn’t eating a lot. We are a family of big eaters and when family members get together, it is a feast.
My grandmother ended up taking us out to eat again, so I ate a little bit to pacify my mother. I ordered a small orange juice, a water and a veggie omelet again, as it seemed to agree with my body so well. We went to the same restaurant, so I just ordered the same omelet, as I did the day befor ... read more
12th day of my water fast (broke fast late morning)
14 y
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
”If you don’t know where you are going, every road will get you nowhere.”~Henry Kissinger
November 11, 2010
I had to break my fast, as it was too much to deal with my mother so I ordered a tomato juice and a egg omelet with veggies only. It had green peppers, onions, tomatoes, spinach and mushrooms in it. It had a little bit of cheese, but I asked them to put the veggies in the egg as the omelet was cooking so, less cheese would be used.
I wasn’t hungry, but I had to break it, as my coughing (still slight) was worrying my mother, as that I wasn’t eating anything. My grandmother n ... read more
11th day of my water fast 14 y
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
November 10, 2010
”The most important thing about goals is having one.”~Geoffrey F. Abert
Last night I found out something important. I was causing myself asthma attacks by putting lemon juice in my water. It wasn’t fresh lemon juice. I found it be accident, as I was looking up lemon juice and coughing/asthma, as that is what it felt like for me. I found out that Sulfates in bottled lemon Juice can cause asthma attacks, which was exactly what it was doing. So my coughing has cut down a bit, but still have a lot of mucus drainage, which makes me feel like it is clogging up my throa ... read more
10th day of my water fast 14 y
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
November 9, 2010
”Man is a goal seeking animal. His life only has meaning if he is reaching out and striving for his goals.” ~Aristotle
I am bored and I still have a cough, which gets annoying, since I am not taking anything to help it. I had a half a cup of tea, to help sooth my throat, but other then that just water and lemon.
I am still not doing much but laying around the house, watching TV, reading books and driving around when I do want to get out of the house. P. and his son have been doing their own thing so, I am pretty much stuck doing my own thing. How I would love ... read more
9th day of my water fast 14 y
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
”You will now have a starting place and a destination, and you will be able to determine what it will cost you to get there. You will be going someplace.” ~H. Stanley Judd
November 8, 2010
I was very active today, as I drove into Delaware and checked out the health food shop. It wasn’t much but still it was very nice wonderful healthy things that I might decide to consume once I am off my fast.
I walked about 3 miles, which is a lot since I am not feeling that great. I am having the nausea which means that my ketones must be high. I haven’t bought any new ketone strips to tell i ... read more
DAY 12 &13: 7th and 8th day of my water fast 14 y
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
Give yourself something to work toward -- constantly.”~Mary Kay Ash
November 6, 2010
I am doing well other then feeling horrible. I have been resting a lot since I haven’t been sleeping well. It is partial a stress thing, as well as I think I caught something early on in my fast. I know it sounds crazy, but the coughing has gotten worse, my sinuses are draining like crazy. I really don’t know.
I haven’t done much at all, but laying in bed, watch cartoons and stay warm, as I have been getting cold so easily, it is not fun at all.
I drank a bunch of water because my cough has ... read more
DAY 11: 6th day of my water fast 14 y
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
November 5, 2010
I hate the cold! It has been so cold here, and it doesn’t help that my temperature is much lower now that I am on a fast. I can’t seem to stay warm, and I am so bundled up that people think I am ill or something.
I still had a small case of diarrhea in the later evening, but I have read that is too much to worry about, as sometimes it is natural in the purging process during a fast. Good!
Still reading up on raw diet, so that I am prepared once my fast it over. Currently I have also been reading “Foods that heal, Foods that harm”. I picked it up at a yard sale ea ... read more
DAY 10: 5th day of my water fast 14 y
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
November 4, 2010
“I didn’t fail the test, I just found 100 ways to do it wrong” ~ Benjamin Franklin
I am still on my Water fast. I thought the quote by Ben Franklin was appropriate, because I believe a lot of us eat horrible, and try to correct it and then end up kind of failing again. I like it that he say, “I didn’t fail the test, I just found 100 ways to do it wrong”. I thought about how many times, I have failed with eating healthy all the time. I also remember as a child when eating out was a treat, instead of a daily or weekly luxury.
I am trying to put particular road bl ... read more
DAY 9: We are what we think.~Buddha 14 y
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
November 3, 2010
4th day! 4th day! 4th day of my water fast! I am doing great and I made it! I found it easier, as I keep myself very busy. This is what I did. As soon as I got home from work, I grabbed several books that I wanted to read, filled with water bottle with water, and went to my bedroom. I put a movie in the DVD player and got into bed. I only got out if I had to go to the bath room or get more water. It was a pretty easy night for me because I was just camped out in my bedroom. I did have slight hunger pains, but I was able to over look them by watching a couple movies, and ... read more
Day 8: 3rd day of my water fast 14 y
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
November 2, 2010
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance. - Anonymous
It is getting harder for some reason. I am on the third day and I know it is a crucial day during a fast if I will end up breaking it or not. I hope that I have the strength to endure.
My sinuses have been draining and I didn’t realize it until P. woke me up out of a dead of sleep, because he wanted company. I think he had been drinking because as he woke me up so quickly, that my mind was still foggy, and he went into “nevermind” mode and curled up on the far side ... read more
Day 7: Day 2 of my Water fast - Still hang in there! 14 y
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
November 1, 2010
Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.
- John Lennon
Sigh, it is not easy at all to fast when you are around people eating food. I know that the first three days is really hard and is more or less a state of mind, as I have to convince my mind that I will eat again, and to overlook the hunger pains that I am having. I am doing so well so far.
Since I am not eating at various times, I have to find other things to do. I am still continuing to read my various books, plus working on NaNoWriMo, which means National Novel Writing Month. During the ... read more
DAY 5 & 6 When the stomach is full, it is easy to talk of fasting” ~St. Jerome 14 y
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
October 30, 2010
I was able to eat what I planned to eat for Dinner on October 29, 2010. It was so delicious. I think that I will continue eating Fresh Spring mix once I am off my fast. It really fills me up. I was really surprised that a little bit of vinegar really dressed it up a bit, so it wasn’t plain. I really liked it.
I didn’t do much exercise on Friday night, as I was a bit stressed out. Worrying about P. and him moving out. He hasn’t said anything to me and I haven’t seen where he is preparing. My mother says that he probably won’t move out. So I spent Friday evening over ... read more
Day 4: The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. - Lao Tzu
14 y
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
October 29, 2010
COUNT DOWN: 2 days until beginning of my water fast!
My day has been doing better. I have been telling myself that I have the will power to overcome any urges to eat unhealthy foods as well as wanting to comfort myself with eating as well. I think it is natural for me to seek comfort food, as it has been a taught behavior in my family. I remember when I was 16 years old when I had just came back home from a 17 hour ride of a greyhound bus from my father’s. It was 2 a.m. And when my mother got me home, she stuffed with full of food, as I was dehydrated and hungry ... read more
Day 3: I stumbled, yet I saw the mistake 14 y
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
October 28, 2010
I found out what my basal Metabolic rate is 1, 782, as I am sedentary, as I have a job where I am sitting down a lot (I am a paralegal/glorified receptionist) plus with my weight gain, I tend to not be as active as I have been in the past. That is one reason why I am wanting to lose the extra weight I have, as well as motivate myself to a more active life style. I know that I have to make sure that I am not eating more calories that I am burning.
The amount of calories I should only be consuming is 1, 782 and yesterday I consummed much more then that.
LUNCH: Che ... read more
Day 2: Wide awake and alert 14 y
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
October 27, 2010
I did some major thinking last night regarding when I would do a little bit of Water fasting, and I decided that I would start it on October 31st, as the 14th day will come around the end of my vacation (November 7-13)so I can rest my body as much as possible since I probably will feel horrible. Unfortunately, during this time, my mother will be visiting as well(luckly, she will be staying with my Grandma Mert in Pataskla, and not with me!). I know if she knows that I am not eating, she will pester me into ”eating just a little of something” I have also decided if the d ... read more
Day 1: The start of my new journey 14 y
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
October 26, 2010
Today I figure out that I would under take a serious health journey to better eating and a healthier life style that what I have been living.
I know that my eating habits have been just atrocious lately. I have been under alot of stress since the begining of October with P. telling me that he was going to move out. My emotions has been really dead until last night when I broke down crying realizing that this is the last week him and his son will be living with me. I know that I have been busy filling my head with movies, books as well as filling my body with comfort ... read more