My Health Journey
by Sacristia
Page 7 of 11

Day 2 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
February 19, 2011 I didn’t get up until around 1:00 p.m. I was really tired when I got home the other night. I am not used to staying up that late, as I kind of have a routine, but it was lovely to be out and about. When I was driving home, I had a longing ache in my heart for Phil. I must be because I was so used to him coming home around 3:00 a.m. and I was always asleep. I don’t know how many nights I tried to stay awake, but it was hard at times. All I have to say is that my kitties, especially Mekong was so happy to see me. They hadn’t seen me since 8:30 a.m. Friday morning. L ...   read more

Day 1 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
February 18, 2011 I ended my fast last night with Granny Smith apple and a bit later on, some steamed veggies (spinach, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower) I have to say that I was still very torn about it, since I wasn’t hungry and I found myself fighting to break the fast. I guess my body was okay with going on it with it and yet my mind was wanting to break it. I was really excited about today as I was going to go over to my best friend’s house as she got a new apartment. I haven’t seen it yet, but I had plans I was going to stop by after work. I didn’t get my morning exercise ...   read more

Day 4 of Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
February 17, 2011 The morning was okay. I got up fairly early as I was wake (my alarm goes off everyday day at 6:30 a.m. either I get out of bed at the time or not. I realized I slept through the night and was not up like I was the night before at 3:00 a.m. I did somethings around the house, i.e. picking up stuff. I decided to take my resting heart rate. It was 13 beats for 10 seconds, which is 78 beat per minute. I exercised for 10 minutes. I hula hooped, and shadow boxed. I shadow boxed to the song Jump by House of Pain with helped. The song was 3:29 minutes long. Most of the ti ...   read more

Day 2/ Day 3 of Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
February 16, 2011 It was horrible, I couldn’t get back to sleep when I woke up at 3:00 a.m. I didn’t know if it was because I fell asleep so early (around 9:00 p.m. while reading a book. I couldn’t keep my eyes up any longer) or it was because my liver was kicking in and doing its thing. I really wanted to sleep and I tossed and turned, with a cat rolling on me from back to shoulder to stomach. LOL Mekong just wanted to be next to me. My day was pretty boring. I had tons of energy and no food urges. Nothing much to document But. . . As I was leaving work later in the day, I w ...   read more

Day 1 /Day 2 of Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
February 15, 2011 I got up this morning, since I wasn’t eating, I had to change my routine, so I plugged in my MP3 player and listen to Bombs over Baghdad by OutKast while I hula hooped. I tried to keep the hoop going as long as possible. The longest I could do it (as I was timing it) was about 20 seconds. After about 4 minutes, I was worn out. LOL. I made me think about my heart rate and I realized I didn’t know much about it, so I made it my goal for the day to learn about it and apply it in my life when I exercise. I haven’t had any urges to eat so far. I had a cup of Dandelion ...   read more

Day 1 of Water Fast – Another failure   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
February 14, 2011 The morning was okay. I was feeling pretty good as today was going to be the start of my Water fast. I know that I ate the day before, but today was the day to start my water fast. Hopefully it will be a 14 day or longer fast. I can’t say that I was happy about the whole day, it being the one day where I feel out of place and left out. I really fought during the morning not to text Phil and wish him a Happy Valentine’s Day. He has always been against the day, as he believes it shouldn’t be the only day that someone shows love. I believe that too, but it is also ...   read more

Day 1 of Water Fast - Fail   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
February 13, 2011 I laid in bed most of the morning and around noon, I started craving spinach, and I just went with it. I wasn’t mentally ready to do a Water fast. I thought that I might be, but the disappointment with my birthday (in regards to Phil) just made it hard to deal with. I didn’t want anything sugar filled like cake (there wasn’t any left) or ice cream (which there was). I wanted spinach and carrots. For lunch and dinner, I had large amounts of spinach (fresh and frozen), carrots and asparagus (fresh and frozen) I also had the last ½ of the steak stuffed with stuffing. ...   read more

Day 23 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
February 12, 2011 The morning was okay. I didn’t want to get out of bed. I really didn’t want to think about my birthday and how my heart was really missing Phil. I laid in bed for most of the morning, until I got up and got something in my stomach. I ate the last of my cake. I had been planning to put it in the freezer for later, but before I could do that, I ended up eating it. I didn’t feel too bad about doing that, but I knew that it probably wasn’t the most healthy thing I could do. I just wasn’t feel my best emotionally and mentally. My day was pretty boring. I didn’t go any ...   read more

Day 22 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
February 11, 2011 Today is my birthday. Can I say that I had a great time. No. It was just very normal. The one lovely thing is that I slept in, or at least tried to, until my mother called me around 9:30 a.m. I didn’t answer it, but I did check to see who it was. It was good ole Mama. I ended up going back to sleep after reading a bit. I got out of bed a little bit before 11:00 a.m. I called my mother for a little bit, she had to go since she had to pick up my niece at 11:00 a.m.. I decided to eat my cake and ice cream early, since it is so full of calories and sugar, that it w ...   read more

Day 21 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
February 10, 2011 My wrist is doing much better then it was. I took off my wrist guard for a while last night, and it was getting sore and my forearm was feeling “broken” again, after carrying three bags of groceries. I ended up taking an Excedrin, putting some Icy Hot on, and putting on the wrist guard for the night. My sleep was okay, until Mekong and her lovely claws dug into my forehead and part of my eye lid (just above my eyebrow) at 5:00 a.m. I guess she was trying to get off my head. LOL. Well, it wasn’t funny when it happened. I reacted and yelled at her, I even swatted her ...   read more

Day 20 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
February 9, 2011 I am really starting to hate the cold COLD weather and I am almost dreading staring this water fast on Sunday, since it has been so cold. It is going to feel 10 times worse, once my metabolism has slow down again. I am trying to prepare for that, but I don’t think I can. I don’t think I can bundle up anymore then I can right now. This weather is just not good for water fasting, and if I wasn’t dedicated enough, I would hold off my fast until a warmer time, so I could deal with it better. But I feel that now is as good as any, so I will not postpone it until later. ...   read more

Day 19 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
February 8, 2011 I woke up feeling a bit down. I couldn’t tell how my wrist was feeling as I slept with it in the wrist guard, but it seemed to be feeling a bit better, so I decided to take it easy for the rest of the day by wearing it and seeing how I felt on Wednesday. As the morning wore on, I was definitely feeling emotionally all over the place. I hadn’t hear from Phil at all, and I was torn about texting him to even just say Hello. I know that the emotions I was feeling is all due to me being on my monthly cycle, but it still doesn’t make it easier. I guess I was wondering if ...   read more

Day 18 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
February 7, 2011 I slept a little bit better then I did over the weekend. I guess I slept enough to have a nightmare. It was one of those horrible ones, which I am trapped in a house, and anytime I try to get out, I find out that it is a false door or the windows are just painted in or lead into another room, but not to the outside. I hate dreams like that, as I can ever get out and escape. I was happy to wake up leave that dream behind. My wrist was feeling a little bit better then it did. I took off the wrist guard and checked out my forearm. I could really tell that the swellin ...   read more

Day 17 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
February 6, 2011 I ended up getting to bed later, as I fell asleep in my lounge chair, curled up with a blanket while watching a little bit of TV ( a old Looney Toons VRC tape) I woke up when it was done and it ejected from the machine. I groggily, I got up, turned the TV off and the light and went into bed. My right arm was still hurting quite a bit, that I crawled in to be as gently as I could. I didn’t move around a lot, because of my hurt arm to so. I woke up early around 8:30 a.m. and got out of bed to get a 8 ounce glass of blueberry pomegranate juice. I got back into bed to ...   read more

Day 16 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
February 5, 2011 I woke up early, and since it was the weekend, I could have slept in, but for some reason, I decided not to. I told myself that I would remain in bed until 9:00 a.m., and then get out of bed and get stuff done. I was highly motivated to get things done. I cleaned off my dresser, collected all my prayer cards and put them where I would look at them (next to my bed) fixed the barrel of my old pirate flintlock cap pistol cigarette lighter. It has never worked, and I don’t smoke, but I have had it since I was about 18 years old. I have always had it laying around my dr ...   read more

Day 15 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
February 4, 2011 I was up most of the night, as I caught a bit of insomnia, and I couldn’t shake it. Phil texted me a bit, but I found him to get a bit depressive, as the night wore on, as I could tell that he probably had a couple drinks as he stated that his life sucked and he hated it. I told him remain positive, but all he wanted to say is that he was ugly, old and alone. I told him to knock it off, and he didn’t realize what he had when he had it, as he is always so wrapped up on what he is missing to even see what he has. He moaned about being bitter, hateful and other things, ...   read more

Day 14 of Post Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
February 3, 2011 I wasn’t happy that I had to go to work, since the weather was still very bad out. We were still at a level 2 snow emergency and the County Court house was closed, so I was really surprised that I had to work, since I couldn’t file anything and it was so dangerous just walking anywhere outside the office, due to all the ice. I didn’t have as many aches and pain that I thought I might have since I was so active the day before. I was still a little bit sore, but my shoulder and my elbow were fine. The only thing that was really giving me any problems was about 4 inc ...   read more

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A day by day account to my healthier confident life style, which includes a bit of fasting, better eating, more exerise, an awakened spiritual connection with God and more confident outlook of myself and my life regardless on what I am facing.… more...

Last Activity: 4 y ago
196 Messages   Last message 13 y ago
11 Comments   Last comment 4 y ago

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Created: 14 y   Oct 26 2010


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Comments (9 of 11):
Re: Day 8 of Water… ALB 13 y
Re: Day 8 of Water… lysab… 13 y
Re: Encouraging qu… Sacri… 13 y
Re: Day 27 of my p… Sacri… 14 y
Re: Day 27 of my p… Rainy… 14 y
Re: Day 22 of my p… Rainy… 14 y
Re: Day 21 of my p… Sacri… 14 y
Re: Day 21 of my p… lilpo… 14 y
Re: DAY 5 & 6 When… ren 14 y
All Comments (11)

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ShinyLife  10 y  (53)
Walking with God with my Fast  15 y  (16)
My Journey toward better and …  14 y  (12)

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