My Health Journey
by Sacristia
Page 10 of 11

Day 12 of Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
April 8, 2011 It was pretty much boring, since I didn’t do anything that I had planned that day with Christy or with myself. You can say that I was feeling a little bit irritated because of it. So I sat a Christy’s house until around 11:00 p.m. and finally went home for the night. I took a very long shower, turned on a movie “Jonah”. It was lovely watching it on the newer, bigger, TV! It was excellent. I did a little bit of body brushing before work, thinking it would help me with the whole “smell” issue that I was having. That is one thing I had about detoxing, is the smell tha ...   read more

Day 11 of Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
April 7, 2011 I have been sooooOooo busy, both mentally and physically. Of course, all the events that I have planned on my phone has really helped as well. Since I went to bed so early (by 10:30 a.m) I was up with my alarm at 6:30 a.m. When I woke up, I looked at my phone for other reasons, other then seeing if any one texted me. I was more interested in my schedule for the day. I had listed: Work on blog (as I have been so busy, I haven’t finished Wednesday’s entry on my computer), Buy my TV (I found a prefect one at Goodwill – 20 inch flat screen TV for only $22.00), Drop off appli ...   read more

Day 10 of Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
April 6, 2011 Morning was hard, as I didn’t want to get out of bed, but it seems that during a fast, the later I stay up the more rested I feel when I do sleep. I laid in bed until around 8:30, which is my cut off point, since it doesn’t take me long to get dressed and do my daily toiletries. My tongue is so nasty, that I am brushing my teeth and tongue at least 3 or 4 times a day. I still have a whiff of acetone coming from me, but some how I am dealing with it okay, especially since it is Day 10. I can’t believe that I feel so great. I have a bit of energy, but it comes and goes at ...   read more

Day 9 of Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
April 5, 2011 I had a peaceful sleep, and I struggled a little bit to get out of bed, which I believe it is because I was up a little bit to late last night. I really enjoy hanging out with Christy and watching movies late, but it is harder for me to get to bed early, because I have a routine when I get home. I always take a long shower, turn my TV on, and try to read a bit, before I really go to bed, so if I get home around 12:30 a.m., as I did last night, then I am lucky to get to sleep by 1:30 or 2:00 a.m. Of course, Mekong loves it when I lay in bed late. She is all for it. LOL ...   read more

Day 8 of Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
April 4, 2011 Monday, Monday Monday! I didn’t want to get out of bed, as I didn’t get to bed until after 2:30 a.m. I was really restless, probably due to my nap. Well, I started to fret a bit about the guy and wondering what he might be doing, since he is a night owl, and plays pool late, so that is where my thoughts went again. And again. I started missing them, then I started wondering who he might be talking to, and then I realized how he might be happy to get away from me. Yeah, so I was feeling really down, before I went to bed. So when my alarm went off, I just laid there wi ...   read more

Day 7 of Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
April 3, 2011 I stayed up a bit late, but it didn’t really affect my desire to get up on time to go to church. I must have gotten enough sleep, because I was awake and refreshed, without having to drag myself around before church. I was already to leave 5 minutes until 11:00 a.m. The service doesn’t start until 11:15 a.m., but it is always good to get there a little bit early. I was surprised how easy it was for me to get up and want to go to church. This will be my first Sunday Church service since I stopped going a while ago. It has been a while since I have went to one, so I am a l ...   read more

Day 6 of Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
April 2, 2011 I got up, but not as soon as I wanted to. I enjoy a bit of a lie-in with Mekong. I just knew that I had to get up, get dressed and get to Christy’s house by Noon. I told her that the Pinwheel day at Children Services started at 11:00, but I would be there no later then 11:30 or Noon, if I was running late. So it was hard to get up and get moving. I drank a bit of water to settle myself, as I was feeling really hollow, but I still had a good bit of energy. On my way to Christy’s house, I saw blow up bouncy houses, a firetruck and ambulance at Children Services (sin ...   read more

Day 5 of Water Fast - 2nd Bi-daily post -Second half    13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
April 1, 2011 The rest of my evening was pretty much uneventful other then talking about future plans, in the next couple weeks. I went over to Christy’s after work, and hung out for a couple hours. I got a call from the guy. He didn’t talk about my text, but about if I had been calling him the last couple days. I told him “No”. It seems that he had been getting calls from a restricted number, and it sounds like the person it crying, bu the person doesn’t say anything. He thought it was me. I told him that I was sad that our relationship was over, but I am not going to call him re ...   read more

Day 5 of Water Fast- 1st Bi-daily post -First half   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
April 1, 2011 Happy April Fool’s day. I haven’t had anyone play one on me yet, but I look forward to it, as it is tradition in my family to have a good fun day. I have a couple fun tricks up my sleeve. I wonder if I will be able to pull them off. Hee hee. Amazingly, I woke up feeling really good. I slept well, and didn’t feel overly tired, especially when I got to sleep really late (after 2:00 a.m.). The only thing I could figure out is that since my liver is working overtime, cleaning me out and such, and in the past, when I have fasted and not sleep a lot, about 5 hours sleep mus ...   read more

Day 4 of Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
March 31, 2011 I felt really good when I got up other then I was a little bit thirsty and my tongue looked like a furry white creature in my mouth. I got up checked my phone and ended up playing the newest game MTV star factory on my phone. It is a bit addicting, as I have to manage a band, find gigs, training, composing song, etc. I played if for a half and hour! It is really fun. I notice that I seemed a bit more happier, which I think it had to do with I had a very fulling day the day before. I am still wearing three shirts (a thin long tank top, and two cotton shirts along with ...   read more

Quotes that Encourge and Inspire   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
March 31, 2011 In the past, I would look up encouraging quotes that would inspire me not to give up on my dreams, as well as encouragement to push on toward various goals. I haven’t done this in a while. As I was thinking about I remembered a quote from a movie that a friend of mine told me to focus on. He told me that I am much like this quote. I watched it as it as a clip on Youtube, but I found it in word form so I could list it here. I found that and a couple that I currently like. I thought I would share them. I usually end up printing them out and carrying them around in my poc ...   read more

Day 3 of Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
March 30, 2011 Water tasted so good this morning when I drank it. I had somewhat an achy night as Mekong wouldn’t settle down on me, so I could sleep. It didn’t help that Lammy, being the black little vulture, sat perched on my head board watching me to see when I was going to get up. Mekong loves her moist cat food in the morning, so to see Lammy perched there made me wonder if they were out of dry food. It wasn’t so, she just wanted to be closer to me then she normally is. I have to say that I don’t lavish attention of Lammy as much as I do Mekong. I think it is because Mekong is c ...   read more

Day 2 of Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
March 29, 2011 My morning was without routine and boring. A good thing is that I had a nice dream, even thought it involved K. I haven’t thought about K. in a while, especially when I know he has moved on with his life. It was a lovely dream. It was very much like the time I had with him. We spend time with each other, watch a movie, holding hands on the couch. It was a lovely dream to feel cared about and that I was “something” in someone’s life. Unfortunately, it was hard waking up from it and knowing the truth of reality. I am alone and I don’t have anything like that in my life. ...   read more

Day 1 of Water Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
March 28, 2011 I woke up with Mekong laying across my neck and on my cheek. It was very cold out, not just from my low metabolism but it was the actually temperature (19 degrees). I laid there for a bit, and grabbed for my water, and I realized that I actually did break my fast yesterday. I have to say that I felt a bit better then I did yesterday. My stomach was growling a bit, and I was hesitate to eat something, thinking maybe I could continue my water fast as I did before when I broke it in the past. So as I was getting dressed for the office, I decided that I would start over ...   read more

Day 19 of Water Fast/ Day 5 of Juice Fast – broke fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
March 27, 2011 My morning was okay, since I had a lot planned, or so I thought. I was awake around 10:30 a.m. but I ended up crawling back into bed after I did my morning business (using the bathroom, drinking some water). Water seemed to taste so much better now that I was drinking juice. I guess for me, the taste of water gets old after a while. Mekong laid with me until I actually got up. Since I have been hanging out with Christy during the week, Mekong has been seeing me less and less. So she has been really clingy to me when I do come home. Poor little girl. She misses me and ...   read more

Day 18 of Water Fast/Day 4 of Juice Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
March 26, 2011 I got up around 5:00 a.m and made some juice, as water wasn’t cutting it anymore. I made a big batch of juice (approximately 10 ounces) of carrot, celery and apple. I found out that I like more celery juice then carrot and apple. I have read in the past that celery is good for stress. Boy, am I stressed! I drank only about half of my juice (put half of it the rest in the fridge) , which seemed heavier in my stomach then normal and went back to bed. I woke up again around 6:30 a.m. and listened to my alarm go off. It plays the radio so I listened to it until it went ...   read more

Day 17 of Water Fast/Day 3 of Juice Fast   13 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
March 25, 2011 I didn’t sleep well. Worried about the new twist about my office and where it might be going. Mekong must have known something was wrong, because she was crying a lot and tapping me in the face a lot. Worrying didn’t help at all, as I got nauseous and got a sour stomach a good half of the night. It also make me wonder about the guy a bit. I tried to be there for him when he needed someone to talk to and needed someone to be there for him, yet I feel very low, now that I have no one to turn to like that. I have my best friend, Christy, but not someone that I can turn ...   read more

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A day by day account to my healthier confident life style, which includes a bit of fasting, better eating, more exerise, an awakened spiritual connection with God and more confident outlook of myself and my life regardless on what I am facing.… more...

Last Activity: 4 y ago
196 Messages   Last message 13 y ago
11 Comments   Last comment 4 y ago

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Created: 14 y   Oct 26 2010


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Comments (9 of 11):
Re: Day 8 of Water… ALB 13 y
Re: Day 8 of Water… lysab… 13 y
Re: Encouraging qu… Sacri… 13 y
Re: Day 27 of my p… Sacri… 14 y
Re: Day 27 of my p… Rainy… 14 y
Re: Day 22 of my p… Rainy… 14 y
Re: Day 21 of my p… Sacri… 14 y
Re: Day 21 of my p… lilpo… 14 y
Re: DAY 5 & 6 When… ren 14 y
All Comments (11)

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ShinyLife  10 y  (53)
Walking with God with my Fast  15 y  (16)
My Journey toward better and …  14 y  (12)

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