My Health Journey
by Sacristia
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Day 5 of my Post Water Fast   14 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
November 29, 2010 My energy is really high at the moment. I get so restless and I getting bored, other then reading, cleaning (dishes, taking out trash). I haven’t been driving anywhere as I am trying to save gas (as I live outside town in the country) I slept in until about noon on the first day of my official vacation and it was nice. PJ was at school and Phil left early to go to work (which he is self employed with his own business in marketing- which I wonder why he decides to get a job, before he moves out), so I was lonely for a while. I played the Wii for a while, but ...   read more

Day 4 of my Post Water Fast   14 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
November 28, 2010 Man, my arm really hurts. My shoulder hurts. Even my left leg hurts. I have been playing the Wii too much. I actually got up out of bed around Midnight and played it until almost 2 am since Phil was out with my car playing pool. At least it is a good pain, which means I am using my muscles and more importantly that I am using muscle groups that haven’t been used in a while. I wonder how many calories I burn when I play games for two hours. LOL. I will have to look that up to see. I have been reading again, as my energy has picked up and I am not so tired. I ha ...   read more

Day 3 of my Post Water Fast   14 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
November 27, 2010 I have more energy then I did 4 days ago. I still feel a bit off, as I think my body is still trying to get rid of the toxins that I disrupted when I stopped my water fast, which I know is a bad thing to do. That is one reason why I really need figure out how to make my water fasts more successful, then only day 10 or 12. In the past, I was able to go 55 days. Then again, maybe ( I am sure of it) that I am much more toxic then I was over 6 years ago. I haven’t been wondering when I will water fast again, as I am just concentrating on slowly re-feeding myself and wat ...   read more

Day 2 of my Post Water Fast   14 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
November 26, 2010 Feeling SooooOoooo much better today when the last two days. I honestly haven’t really come off my high in a feeling that I don’t feel heavy like I have done in the past when coming off a fast. It must be that I am not immediately filling my body full of food. Late last night I drank 16 ounces of water and it tasted good to me again. I still have an awful taste in my mouth, that I am still brushing my teeth and using mouth wash several times a day. I played the Wii a for about a half an hour and then played it again later on. I really like how much it really ...   read more

Day 1 of my Post Water Fast   14 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
November 26, 2010 I am feeling a little bit better then I did yesterday. The small amount of veggie juice helped from yesterday. Phil made bean soup and was trying to get me to eat some of it, but I just ended up scooping out about a half of coffee mug of its broth, and sipping on it. Later that night, Phil seriously asked me if I was pregnant, as from experience with his ex-wife, I sure acted like it resting all the time and feeling nauseous. I told him “No I am not pregnant, I took a test and it was negative” He said that gave him piece of mind that it was negative and he didn’t ...   read more

Day 12 of water fast   14 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
November 25, 2010 Today was horrible. I couldn’t sleep and when I did sleep it wasn’t very long. I was restless yet tired at the same time. I took 3 showers in a 2 hour period because it helped me deal with achy-ness I have having. I had two more watered down cups of Pedialyte over a three hour period as my arms started to feel numb and I was worried about my potassium being low again. I actually feel like I am dying and I don’t buy any fresh veggies in the house for me to juice to help. I really need to seriously re-think what I need to be doing when it this happens again. Phil ...   read more

Day 11 of my continuing Water Fast   14 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
November 24, 2010 I am feeling really horrible. I honestly don’t know how much longer I can do this. I feel so horrible, as toxins are coming out of my skin and my breath is has a very strong acetone smell to it that it makes me feel even more ill. It is hard to work and focus, which is a good thing that today is my last day before the Holiday vacation. I need to figure out how to slow down the detoxification some before I just stop the fast all together. It is really that bad. I really need to think these water fasts out better, so I prepare for this horrible detoxification. ...   read more

Day 10 of my continuing Water Fast    14 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
”He who tip-toes cannot stand; he who strides cannot walk.” ~Lao-Tzu November 23, 2010 I just felt horrible yesterday. Absolutely horrible. If I drank water, it triggered more nausea, and even taking a shower triggered me to vomit again! It was horrible because I didn’t bring up much but some water that I drank about a half an hour before, and then soon I was dry heaving with a little bit of bile coming out. It was horrible. I could hardly breathe after getting sick. I stood in the shower for like another 20 minutes as it just weakened me so much. After wards I could feel my intest ...   read more

Day 9 of my continuing Water Fast    14 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
”Nothing valuable can be lost by taking time.” ~Abraham Lincoln November 22, 2010 Another restless night and vomiting during the day. Oh yay! I just love this water fast! I haven’t been doing much as I feel achy/odd/sick most of the time. I have narrowed it down to the mucus drainage and bile in my stomach. When I got sick earlier in the day, it was foamy (mucus) and yellow (bile). My stomach felt soooooOooo much better after that. But it was only temporary. I am worried about vomiting too much, as that will deplete my electrolytes, specially sense I have only been drinking water. ...   read more

Day 8 of my continuing Water Fast   14 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
”Every man is said to have his peculiar ambition.” ~Abraham Lincoln November 21, 2010 Ugh! It is getting harder. I am definitely sleeping less and less due to the ill feelings in the abdomen. Sometimes in bed, all I do is twitch my foot to help me forget about the uncomfortableness. I usually do this when I am in any pain when I am trying to sleep. It is a way to focus on what I am doing and not the pain. I ended up giving myself another enema, which had surprising results. Still got yucky stuff in my body! YUCKY!!!! I was able to massage my abdomen a little bit longer this time. ...   read more

Day 7 of my continuing Water Fast   14 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
”There is no substitute for hard work.” ~Thomas A. Edison November 20, 2010 This is hard, hard hard! I don’t have a lot of energy, yet my body becomes very restless at times, as my abdomen feel odd and the feeling I have as if I am going to be sick, but I don’t get sick. It was so bad that I did sleep well. I tossed and turned, as no position felt good or comfortable. It wasn’t until around 5 a.m. if the aching and odd pain stop. I know the pain is a detox symptom, as it is cleaning me out. I hate, hate hate it! When I did sleep, it was very early in the morning. I had a horrible ...   read more

Day 6 of my continuing Water Fast    14 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
”Success, remember is the reward of toil.” ~Sophocles November 19, 2010 Last night I was up and down with how I felt. I was restless and I settled down a bit by playing a video game, in order to keep my mind occupied. I got bored pretty quickly and tried another game, but my mind wasn’t in it. I just watched myself die over and over again. I was playing Mortal Kombat Annihilation chess. It was the lousiest chess game I ever played in my life. Then of course, it wasn’t a normal chess game. LOL I am usually very good at chess. I played the game, because I wanted some action, and I was ...   read more

Day 5 of my continuing Water Fast   14 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
November 18, 2010 “I like villains because there’s something so attractive about a committed person -- they have a plan, an ideology, no matter how twisted. They’re motivated.”~ Russell Crowe Last night I was feeling a bit of grumbling in my stomach, but not really hunger pains. I was feeling pretty good and a bit restless, that I played a video game that gave me some mental simulation. I am planning on renting a Wii for two days to see if I like how it works and if I could really use it to become more active, especially in the winter time, when I don’t like to drive many places d ...   read more

Day 4 of my continuing Water Fast   14 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
”Until input thought is linked to a goal purpose there can be no intelligent accomplishment.” ~Paul G. Thomas November 17, 2010 The evening became very interesting. P. came home and woke me up. We talked a bit, which was a lot like old times. I didn’t seem to mind, as I must have fallen asleep close to 11:00 p.m. and he woke me up around 2:00 a.m. I have to say that I do have a little bit of hope, but I know that it probably won’t last so I can’t dwell on it, as he said he might be moving out the week of Thanksgiving. One good thing regarding doing this water fast is that I don ...   read more

Day 3 on my continuing water fast    14 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
”This one step -- choosing a goal and sticking to it -- changes everything.” ~Scott Reed November 16, 2010 I took a pregnancy test yesterday just in case, and because it is playing with my mind. I am not having any symptoms, but you always hear of women not having any then finding out they are pregnant. I am very in touch with my body, so I would know if something was going on, such as my breast and the bloated feeling. So the monthly cycle I had was nothing more then a short cycle as it came out negative. I calculated if I was pregnant, I would have conceived between October 2 ...   read more

2nd day of continuing water fast   14 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
”Your goal should be out of reach but not out of sight.” ~Anita DeFrantz November 15, 2010 Nothing happening that is unusual. I am not tired or feeling lazy at all. If anything, I have tons of energy and get restless quite a bit. I have had no hunger pains as of yet, but I will just have to see as time goes on. WATER INTAKE: 27 ounces   visit the page

1st day of my continuing water fast   14 y  
My daily Journey to a healthier life style
”You have to set new goals every day.”~Julie Krone November 14, 2010 I am feeling pretty good right now. I am not hungry at all, but I am resting and relaxing. I am trying not to do a lot of walking or activity, as it is my last day of my vacation, so I am going to milk it for all that it is worth. I am trying not to stress out either. I have been so worried about the short monthly cycle, that I took 2 pregnancy tests just to make sure that I am not surprised about something like a pregnancy. I think I just have too much stress going on right now regarding Phil, as he is not movin ...   read more

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A day by day account to my healthier confident life style, which includes a bit of fasting, better eating, more exerise, an awakened spiritual connection with God and more confident outlook of myself and my life regardless on what I am facing.… more...

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11 Comments   Last comment 4 y ago

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Created: 14 y   Oct 26 2010


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Comments (9 of 11):
Re: Day 8 of Water… ALB 13 y
Re: Day 8 of Water… lysab… 13 y
Re: Encouraging qu… Sacri… 13 y
Re: Day 27 of my p… Sacri… 14 y
Re: Day 27 of my p… Rainy… 14 y
Re: Day 22 of my p… Rainy… 14 y
Re: Day 21 of my p… Sacri… 14 y
Re: Day 21 of my p… lilpo… 14 y
Re: DAY 5 & 6 When… ren 14 y
All Comments (11)

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ShinyLife  10 y  (53)
Walking with God with my Fast  15 y  (16)
My Journey toward better and …  14 y  (12)

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