Blog: My Health Journey
by Sacristia

Day 13 of Post Water Fast

My daily Journey to a healthier life style

Date:   2/3/2011 4:19:54 PM   ( 13 y ) ... viewed 16621 times

February 2, 2011

Wow, that a night with the ice/rain storm coming in. I laid in bed longer then I should have, but I had an idea that I wasn't going to be going to work today, because of all the cancellations that were being said on our local AM radio station, while I laid in bed. We were on a Level 2 snow emergency, and when it is that bad, the County Courthouse closes, as we don't stay open very long either. I got up, and got dressed and did all my things that I normally do when I am preparing for work. When I went to go outside, I couldn't get my screen door open very far, as the ice was so thick on my deck, it prevented it. I called the Senior Attorney and told him my issue, and he said that weather was too bad at the moment, so don't worry about coming in today. So when I hung up, I was excited because I got an adult SNOW DAY!

I took my time and ate some breakfast, started a speed soak of some beans (since I was going to have time to watch them cook), and made some tea in my travel mug. I got bundled up, equipped myself with my MP3 player and I finally wedged my screen door open about a foot and a half so I could get out. I took out my metal bat, my shovel, my ice scraper, my broom and my mug of hot tea. I was motivated to tackling the ice that covered my deck. I was wailing at it with the bat until it broke up into piece that I could shovel it away off my deck. I pounded myself a little path, and cracked all the ice off the steps, but there was no way that I could have broke up the ice on my walkway, as there was no beginning or end for me to start with. I slowly made my way to my car, and whacked, chiseled, and scrapped the ice off my car. The only place I didn't finish was a very stubborn piece of thick ice that was at the base of my rear window. I was working hard at it for a while, but my fingers were getting very cold and I was getting very tired after being outside for an hour and a half. I was starting to feel a bit sore. I guess I should be happy that I got all the other ice off my car except for that. I am sure I looked funny to anyone that I might have seen me whacking the ice on my deck with my bat. At least, I was one of the probably few people (other then people that had awnings )that had a clear and safe path off their deck. I took my time shoveling the ice off and then sweeping the best I could. I really worked up a sweat and got my heart racing, which is always good exercise on my part.

I went back inside and rested a bit, as I knew that my arm and shoulder were going to be sore later on, and if not the next morning. I calculated that while I was outside, by the time I came in, my speed soak for the beans would be done, and I could stick them in the crock pot to cook. I seasoned my beans with basil, cumin, minced garlic, minced dry onions, dried celery, marjoram, oregano, parsley, paprika and pepper. I also added only one cup of low sodium chicken broth. With my beans slowly cooking, I continued to listen to the radio, even thought I sat and read my book for a while. After a while, i turned the radio off and plugged in my MP3 player and turned the Wii on to play it for about 30 minutes. I got myself all worked up boxing and playing baseball, that after wards I went back into my bedroom, to lay down and stay warm, as it was getting really cold in the living room once again.

I set my cell phone for to go off in two hours, so I could remember to stir my beans and taste test them to see how they were coming along. I laid down, curling up under all my lovely winter blankets, with Mekong laying on any available spot close to my face. I read my book for a little while. I did end up falling asleep for about an hour, and after a while I didn't want to get up, as I was feeling all happy, toasty and warm snuggled up in my bed. But I quickly got bored laying there, and got up once again.

I busied myself by checking on my beans in my crock pot, cleaned out my lunch bag, and washed up some dishes, that I dirted at breakfast time. I made myself some “hotter” hot sauce, as the cheap wing sauce wasn't hot enough for me, so I pour some it in a little monkey bowl, added some dried chipotle spice and some chilli pepper and mixed it well to my taste. The chipotle made it taste really good, so I put it in the smaller empty “Redhot sauce” bottle that I just finished off on Tuesday. I put it in the fridge to be ready for my use again. I found myself looking into my fridge a couple times after that, as if I was hungry or something, but I knew that I wasn't. I was just bored and looking at food was just one of the few things that it seemed that I could do. Once I realized I was doing it, I went back into the living room and put in a different movie, so I could keep myself busy. I watched Gattaca, with Ethan Hawke. I hadn't watched it before, but I bought it sometime last year cheaply, but never watched it. That is one reason why I don't always watch the movies I buy right away, so I have at least one or two movies, that I have never watched so I can have them on hand to do so, in times like this. It wasn't a bad movie. I have always liked Ethan Hawke. I was kind of upset when Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke's marriage broke up. I always thought they were a beautiful couple.

After the movie, I read for a while. I got bored reading my current book, that I picked up my other book, that I haven't picked up in a while and started reading while I was re-learning about healthy foods. It is called. Food that Harm, Foods that Heal: an A to Z guide to Safe and Healthy eating. I picked the book at a yard sale sometime last year, when I went with my Grandma Mert and my Generic Dad to the Route 30 yard sale. I thought it would be an interesting read, and I found it to be very informative in my current health journey.

I crocheted for a bit on my lavender cowl, and finally gave my lap to to Mekong as she was watching it carefully. I sat in my living room, cradling my affectionate cat, petting her belly, as she rolled over and allowed me to pet her there. It made me think of PJ, as she never really did that to me before, but always did that for PJ when he was living here. I thought about Phil for a little bit, wondering if he missed me at all, as I was missing him, but a lot of time I have been just dismissing it, since it would just cause me more heartache to verbalize it to him or show any interest in him. Anyway, I promised God that I would focus on Him instead of others like Phil.

The day was really slow, and I ended up pacing my home, trying to find things I could do that would pass the time. I finally went and got back into bed, as the heating pad felt good on my lower back, as it was starting to twinge a bit, as the day went on.

Since I didn't take out any salmon or cod out of the freeze to defrost, and I really didn't want to cook at length by defrosting and then cooking, I ended up having beans, which wasn't a problem, as I tried out my newest bean soup/stew. This batch had barley in it and extra green split peas, but no lentils as I was out. It wasn't bad at all, with my new mixture of hot sauce in it, with a little shake of red pepper flakes too.

I got motivated to play my Wii a little bit, even thought I realized I would regret it later, as my elbow and shoulder, and back were killing me. I am sure that I most have over extended my elbow when I was whacking my deck with the bat today, as well as when I was boxing. When I was boxing, I remember to not extend it as far, just like Billy Blanks instructed in the Tae Bo tape. I haven't played it in a while, but I found myself doing the exercises with the arms, when I was waiting between bouts when I was boxing. LOL. I really like the boxing game right now, even thought I think I have gotten high enough that it is harder and harder for me to advance. I even re-tested my health test, and found that I aged 8 years then the day before . My fitness age was 64, when the day before was 56! That isn't good, but then my right arm and shoulder were already worked out enough, so that might be the cause. LOL. I think I have figured out how to play baseball a little bit better then I have before. I hit some home runs, which I couldn't do before. LOL. My right arm was really sore, so I tried playing base ball with my left hand, which I did a lousy job, boxing didn't work out either, but I didn't do badly when I used my left hand to bowl. I thought it might help strengthen my left arm, as I am predominately right handed so I use it more above anything else when I use my Wii. I did learn something great. If anything by using my left hand when I bowl, I have a perfect curve from the left to win a strike, only if I through it hard enough for it give it enough strength and speed to do so. Phil had to mess with the curve controls to get that perfect curve, (I think I never taken the time to figure out yet, as it is a touch and go learning process) and I do it naturally with my left hand. LOL

I called my Dad after my very long hot shower, to help ease my shoulder and elbow. I put a little bit of Icy Hot on it to help loosen and ease the sore, over worked muscle. I told my Dad that I would really going to feel it tomorrow. My Dad told me that I would have to take it ease on doing particular things at times, because I am not as young as I used to be and that my body doesn't heal at the rate as it might for a teenager, so that I should be careful. I realize that, and I told him, that sometimes I am forgetting that I am a bit older than what I feel at times, but I sure feel the ache in the morning to remind me. I didn't talk to him long, since we lost contact twice, so I called him back once more to tell him I would call him sometime over the weekend, and that I loved him. It was lovely to hear my Papa tell me that he loved me and we would talk sometime on the weekend. I think that talking to my Dad again has really helped heal a wounded part of my heart, and give me confidence in my health journey. I am very glad that we are talking again.

I laid in bed listening to my newest favorite movie “Sorcerer's Apprentice” which Nicolas Cage plays Balthazar Blake. It is a really good movie, so I relaxed listening to it, while Mekong was curling up against my cheek, and every now and again sniff my damp hair. She must have liked the smell of it, as I used the Chamomile tea conditioner on it. It was a good day, and it was kind of semi productive, but a little boring, as I had so much time on my hands and I wasn't prepared for it.


BREAKFAST : (9:30 a.m.) 1 cup bean stew (15 beans, barley, lentils, carrot, and onion) with lots of hot sauce

DRINK: (12 ounces of Oolong tea (consumed over 1 ½ hours, while I was outside de-icing. It was nice to have something warm to keep me going)


LUNCH: (Around 12:00 p.m.) 1 cup bean stew (15 beans, barley, lentils, carrot, and onion) with lots of hot sauce

DRINK: Water

SNACK: (Around 4:00 p.m.) One Wasa Multi Grain cracker, bit of horseradish mustard and a slice of Swiss cheese

DINNER: (Around 6:00 p.m.) 1 cup bean stew (15 beans, barley, lentils, carrot, and onion) with lots of hot sauce

EXERICISE: walked 1.47 Miles, 1 ½ hours shoveling & de-icing deck, steps and car, 57 minutes on Wii (boxing, baseball, tennis, bowling)


WEIGHT: 129 pounds

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