I am really shocked to know the facts from this story above. It's been really a bad thing that it damages the retina. It is time to quit this taste enhancer now in all kinds of foods and good to consume natural flavors from natural spices. As essay writers study says that most of the people across the globe are habituated to use this ingredient in their cooking to enhance it's taste.
Dr Little Ford -- if still alive -- is a quack and thief!! Had similar issues after two car accidents wit him. Not so sure he isn't a pervert too! Many times had me completely disrobe and no gown. Never tried prolotherapy again he left such a bad taste and when insurance quit paying him he charged me large fees upfront or would not see me. Run don't walk away from Little Ford. He was off Colorado Blvd when I was seeing him.
Brought to you by The Best Years in Life
Wednesday, September 16, 2009 by: Tony Isaacs, citizen journalist (NaturalNews) Patrick Swayze, the star of movies such as "Dirty Dancing" and "Ghost", died Monday at age 57 after a 20 month battle with pancreatic cancer. Although Mr. Swayze outlasted his original prognosis of only having a few months left to live, he refused to seek any natural or alternative treatments to help boost his immune system and nourish his body in addition to fighting his cancer - instead following the advice of his doctors to "starve out" the cancer.Patrick Swayze Dead at Fifty-Seven after Placing False Hopes in Chemotherapy
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During a one-hour "Barbara Walters Special" interview this past January, he told Ms. Walters that he "kept his mind open to miracles", but unfortunately he closed his mind to any hope of such a miracle coming from outside mainstream medicine, whose track record against pancreatic and other difficult cancers is far from miraculous.
For the rest of the article click Here.
I was the Farah special about her fight with cancer. Is was sad as well as she sought help from the "experts"
and in doing do so was her trust betrayed and thus she died a painful and early death.
Same for Patrick. Remember him in the movie - Ghost. Wow does not seem very long ago.
Anyway good job Tony!
We thank you for your work!!
One or 2 things
1) You are honest and just programmed by the system
2) You are dishonest trying to make a buck
If number 1 - then you came to the right place to LEARN what they failed to teach you
If number 2 - most come here for they have no other choice. They are sick and dieing and with out the funds for mainstream so you waste your time...
There are many testimonies of those who mainstream medicine said we cant help - you already had 3 rounds of chemo and one more will kill you - go home and get your affairs in order. Some how they recover and keep on living.... If you are sincere you should look into this and the popular "quacks" who claimed to cure cancer -
the labeling of quack is similar to label of conspiracy
Create a knee jerk reaction - to think only fools will read such info...
Then there is the fabrication of information to confuse and discredit.... anything for money right?
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