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Have Adrenal Fatigue? No You Don't.

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Original Dr. Hulda Clark
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Published: 12 y

Have Adrenal Fatigue? No You Don't.

This is a good blogpost that I mostly agree with which talks about how adrenal glands don't fatigue from stress and that AF is a bogus condition and is not excepted by conventional medicine as a diagnosis.

Have Adrenal Fatigue? No You Don't.

I've started alerting people about this after recently changing my mind on AF because if nothing is wrong with your adrenal glands, then trying to "rebuild" them with supplements and stuff would be a futile effort that's wasting your money and possibly making you worse and is also misdirecting you to what the root causes of your symptoms actually are.

A thread was posted here awhile back showed that the symptoms attributed to "AF" are exactly the same as the symptoms of Anorexia/Starvation:


This furthered what I had been suspecting for awhile that a lot of people's problems here are the result of calorie-restriction and malnutrition and it also started to make me think differently about AF to which I recently now agree with conventional medicine that AF is a bogus condition.

It doesn't mean we are not experiencing those symptoms that have been attributed to AF. I just means our adrenal glands are functioning fine (that's why most people here have high cortisol levels) and they aren't a factor in our health problems unless someone has the legitimate medical condition of Adrenal Insufficiency where your adrenals are actually damaged.

To me, "AF" is code for malnutrition and I would start there as to what is causing all those symptoms.

Is there such a thing as adrenal fatigue?
The term often shows up in popular health books and on alternative medicine websites, but it isn't an accepted medical diagnosis.

There is no scientific evidence supporting the concept of adrenal fatigue and it is not recognized as an actual diagnosis by the medical community.
The concept of adrenal fatigue has given rise to an industry of dietary supplements marketed to treat this condition. These supplements are largely unregulated in the U.S., are ineffective, and in some cases may be dangerous.

General adaptation syndrome, or GAS, is a term used to describe the body's short-term and long-term reactions to stress.
Stressors in humans include such physical stressors as starvation, being hit by a car, or suffering through severe weather.


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