so now that we've thrown that study aside as nothing truly positive for the Clark Zapper sellers you are back to nothing more than wanting me to trust you, whereas your conduct is nothing even close to being trustworthy, you are a pure salesman trying to twist data however you can to support your business. I am in the elctromedicine business and often get emails of people telling me how the newest super duper Clark Zapper failed to deliver the goods. Here is the latest example from this past week;
email to me: “the Autozap makes the Ascarisparasite - the one with 2 heads..worse. ”
Ascaris is the most basic of all the parasites and not being able to kill it disqualifies it from being a true parasite zapper. At the bestzapper website they say the AutoZap has “most advanced parasite zapping technology available”. yeah right. buyer beware