Re: Good fasting procedure?
Master-Cleanse drink - because the maple syrup has minerals and
Sugar to keep you from detoxing too fast, you'll be more comfortable. The lemon juice is wonderfully alkaline, cleansing and supporting entire digestive tract. You don't want to overdo on most fruit juices due to weakening the spleen, but one
Master-Cleanse a day, even two, is within balance. The lemons don't have to be organic if you don't use the skin.
Cayenne is optional for Pitta because Pitta people run hot, and cayenne is hot, so it can be irritating and counter-productive. Try it and see if you like it. If you do, the health benefits are amazing! :)
The potassium broth is a bath for our cells. It allows the cells to offload toxins and acids, curing everything from
Arthritis to fibromyalgia to premature aging. All the veggies should be whole, only the potatos are peelings. The outer layer of potatos are where the nutrients are.
Orange juice is mucous forming and imbalancing. Can cause cankor sores. If you want to drink it, dilute it.
All fruit juices should be diluted 50-50 with water. Veggie juices don't have to.
Water fasts are dangerous.
Fast as long as its comfortable. IF that means a month, then go for it. If you start feeling too weak and dizzy, stop. Break the fast with more veggie juices, raw veggies, and spicy teas to wake up the tummy. Then you can eat a bit of rice and more steamed veggies, then soup, then whole grain hot cereal.