You are an excellent candidate for the Dr. Phil show. He does extensive physical and psychological testing of his guests and yes, there is a Dr. Phil section on Cure Zone.
This is a potential risk from taking very low doses of vitamin c on a daily basis. By taking mega doses you are increasing your risk of kidney stones exponentially. They are not a fun experience.
Men who take vitamin C supplements every day
double their risk of suffering from kidney stones, new research suggests.
The excruciating condition is on the rise -
and Swedish researchers say a bi-product of the vitamin may be to blame.
Men who took vitamin C supplements at least once a day had the highest risk of kidney stones.
The condition affects 12 per cent of men and
four per cent of women in the UK.
'It has long been suspected that high doses of vitamin C may increase the risk of kidney stones, said lead researcher Laura Thomas, from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm.
This is because some of the vitamin C absorbed by the body is excreted in urine as oxalate, one of the key components of kidney stones.
Stones are made up of tiny crystals, which can be formed by calcium combining with oxalate.
The study tracked more than 22,000
middle-aged and elderly for 11 years.
The current analysis included 907 men who
said they took regular vitamin C tablets and more than 22,000 who didn't use any
nutritional supplements.
Swedish supplements, like those the study
participants would have taken, typically contain about 1,000 milligrams (mg) of
vitamin C per tablet. Most vitamin C supplements sold in the U.K contain either
500 or 1,000 mg.
A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice contains around 120mg.
Of the vitamin C users, 3.4 per cent developed kidney stones for the first time during the study, compared to 1.8 per cent of non-supplement users.
The findings appear in the journal JAMA Internal medicine.
The researchers said hat because there are no clear benefits tied to taking high-dose vitamin C, people who have had stones in the past might want to think before taking extra supplements.
But the findings do not mean people shouldn't get plenty of vitamin C through fruits and vegetables, since the antioxidant is important for bone and muscle health - and severe deficiency can cause scurvy.
'Vitamin C is an important part of a healthy diet,' Thomas said. 'Any effect of vitamin C on kidney stone risk is likely to depend both on the dose and on the combination of nutrients with which it is ingested.'
Kidney stones are stone-like lumps that
can develop in one or both of the kidneys.
The waste products in the blood can
occasionally form crystals that collect inside the kidneys. Over time, the
crystals may build up to form a hard stone-like lump.
After a kidney stone has formed, the body
tries to pass it out in urine. If a stone is small, this may even go
However, it is fairly common for a stone
to block part of the urinary system, such as the ureter (the tube connecting
the kidney to the bladder) or the urethra (the tube through which urine
passes out of the body).
If this happens, it can cause crippling
pain in the back, abdomen or groin, painful urinary infections and in some
cases, kidney failure.
Many people who have suffered kidney
stones describe the pain as 'excruciating' and worse than child birth.
‘Our modern lifestyles are responsible, particularly because we don’t drink enough water and eat the wrong foods,’ explains Daron Smith, a consultant urologist at University College Hospital, London.
A poor diet and dehydration are major
risk factors (Saudi Arabia has one of the highest kidney stone rates in the
Certain people have higher than average levels of stone-forming chemicals in their body called oxalate. This means cutting down coffee, spinach and rhubarb – all of which are high-oxalate foods.
""As grist for your [health] mill:" This MYTH [of ascorbic acid causing kidney stones] has been DEBUNKED many times over the years. If you take a look at the article you posted, you will see words like, "suggests," "may be," "suspected," "may," etc. A careful read should convince anyone that this article PROVES nothing and is really just fear-mongering."
Total bull shit! There was no fear in my post. None.
You've eliminated some of the outright lies that you used to post but there are still no real studies that even suggest that vitamin C in large quantities has any proven benefits whatsoever.
The post that I made did NOT include "suggests," "may be," "suspected," "may" or any of the other of your hallucinogenic notions.
Pop another one and have a good trip.
What you are thinking does make sense.
I had the same combo of mold and mercury issues. I would recommend that you go to . he also went thru it. he has a blog(not that current) and wrote a book about it.
Spontaneous Candida Die-Off
I first began my quest to cure myself of systemic candidiasis near the end of 2008. I had chronic sinusitis, incessant mucus, inability to gain weight, bouts of intense dizziness, low energy, feeling hung over, occasional blackouts, whole body skin fungus and discoloration (Tinea versicolor), whole body pins and needles prickling pain whenever I went into the sun or had an emotional reaction, and ravenous sugar cravings. Life was basically hell and I committed my entire mind, body, and spirit to conquering my adversary. I discovered a miraculous combination that really changed the tide of battle against candida: eating only green leafy vegetables and taking an enzyme product called candex to digest the cell walls of candida. It was so effective that I simply could not believe the amount of candida colonies dying and coming out in my stool. It took tremendous will power to stick to this regimen, but I endured it thinking that it would only last a few weeks to a month. Well, I kept it going for over a year and a half. The candida simply kept dying and my iron will and determination to heal myself gave me strength. I wanted to write a book when I reached a complete cure but this stage simply never came. Make no mistake, however: The results were devastating to candida and I eliminated almost a thousand colonies from my intestinal lining. All my symptoms were cured and never came back with the exception of some remaining white fungus spots on my lower back.
Eventually I had recovered enough and returned to a normal diet, changing my focus to liver flushing (which has been a healing miracle in and of itself).
In of beginning of September 2011 two pivotal shifts occured for me in my final battle against candida: I victoriously completed my 7th liver flush; releasing hundreds of stones of various colors, some as big as olives. I also achieved a most promising sign of improvement: bright, clear green bile! It was the first flush I ever did where the bile released was not murky brown sludge. I noticed vastly improved digestion for about 10 days following this flush.
About a week later, I did my first round of chelation with 50mg DMSA via cutler protocol. I regret waiting so long to chelate because what I discovered, to my greatest delight, was colonies of fungal candida dying and coming out in my stool. Keep in mind I have done very powerful antifungal regimens in the interim and even 15+ cloves raw garlic only occasionally yielded a little die off. So to see DMSA having THIS effect was truly exciting.
In the photo below, you can see the colonies killed from the DMSA beginning with the "S" on 9/11 until about 9/15 (the far upper left corner is leftover from 09). At this point my improved digestion waned away and the colonies stopped dying after the round of chelation. My bile flow was impaired and I began preparation for my 8th flush. On 9/24 I made an incredibly potent ginger miso soup in preparation for my liver flush #8 comprised of 1 entire onion, 7 cloves of garlic, and about 1/4 A POUND of ginger. I added brown rice to slow the digestion and chewed every single piece of ginger. To my greatest delight, this produced candida die-off! However, it too was short lived. Another week of no die-off. Then on 10/1/11 I made another, less potent ginger soup with quinoa. I released the long colony near the left center of the page.
Once again my bile flow occluded and I decided to go really overboard with my ginger miso soup. On 10/6/11 I made a super-human pot of ginger soup with almost an entire pound of ginger in it and ate about 2/3 the pot in one sitting, chewing and swalloing all the ginger. It was like a candistatic ginger bomb. The next morning I released several colonies of candida, (all on the bottom left of the page), and... several bile green blobs of LIVER CANDIDA! The ginger was so powerful that it had automatically unclogged my biliary pathway AND killed candida in my biliary ducts!
Then something very powerful and miraculous happened because it was like my candida suddenly just THREW IN THE TOWEL!! He was like "F*** this S**t I'm OUTTA HERE..."
For the next 3 months, no matter what I ate, drank, did, or didn't do, I had candida colonies coming out with nearly every bowel movement!! The entire page of candida was released in just SIX DAYS:
And the next one, 7 days:
And I have another entire page yet to be uploaded,
AND I'm about 3/4 of my way into a FIFTH page
AND I had time to make the following MASTERPIECE to declare TRIUMPHANT VICTORY over my lifelong HEROIC BATTLE against the demonic alien parasite known as CANDIDA:
I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!
Dvjorge, you are wrong on 3 counts:
1) You are wrong about the liver flush stones.
2) You are wrong about the candida colonies.
3) You are wrong to post such a response in a support forum.
There is an overwhelming case for the intrahepatic reality of liver flush stones as well as an enormous body of anecdotal evidence on this site's archives.
1) The idea that liver flush stones are somehow a product of the flush itself very quickly falls apart when you consider the occurrence of stones with a calcified shell being released in conjunction with the regular stones. When cut in half these stones are jade green. Andreas Moris's wife instantly cured her acute back pain after releasing 100 of these such stones.
2) Oftentimes the stones are passed in conjunction with liver flukes and other parasites of intrahepatic origin, like in my case stones covered in mycelial candida.
3) Stones cease being released after the flushing is complete, accompanied with a cessation of symptoms associated with intrahepatic stones.
4) Some flushes produce no stones; while many have reported releasing stones without flushing at all.
5) The size and amount of the liver stones released are strongly correlated to the diameter range and ratio of the biliary duct network. There are innumerable tiny stones often the size of a grain of sand released, with increasingly fewer quantities the larger the stone is, tapering off to about 1cm, the diameter of the common bile duct.
6) There is a progression to flushing, with improved digestion and cessation of ailments for a brief period followed by a return of ailments and reduction in digestion as the deeper stones progress forward down the biliary ducts and once again occlude bile flow. More stones are released after 6 weeks after a flush than after 2 weeks.
7) There are varying colors of stones released at the same time despite passing nearly clear water due to the purging effects of the epsom salt, and consuming clear oil in the flush drink. Stones stored in the liver from different time periods and composed of different materials are released at the same time. There are also different colors of stones passed from flush to flush.
8) People, such as myself, have passed stones immediately after consuming the flush mixture.
9) People have passed stones on the eve of the flush before taking any mixture.
10) People have passed stones during the apple juice preparation phase.
11) People have passed stones from coffee enemas.
12) People have passed stones from eating several avocados.
13) People have passed stones from drinking carrot juice after prolonged water fasts.
14) The time of passage through the gastrointestinal tract is insufficient for saponification and formation of stones due to the laxative effect of epsom salt. Contractions of the gallbladder are felt just minutes prior to releasing the stones.
15) Some stones are clearly observed to be comprised of smaller stones that have clumped together over time, correlating to the formation of intrahepatic stones where smaller stones from the smaller biliary ducts clump together with other smaller stones as the ducts merge together into a larger duct.
16) Some tubular formations are released with hollow centers resembling the tubular shape of biliary ducts.
17) There are direct physical sensations of stones leaving the liver and gallbladder and traveling down the intestines.
18) Upon releasing stones, there is permanently more room to breathe, and more room for the stomach to expand and comfortably hold more food.
19) Completely flushing the liver until no more stones are released is directly and strongly correlated to the cessation of longstanding symptoms associated with intrahepatic stones.
Considering all the above, it should be overwhelmingly evident to any reasonably thinking individual that the origin of the liver flush stones is indeed intrahepatic.
Now consider some of the counter arguments from the proponents of the fecal soap cult: "Fecal dye" accounting for the various colors of the stones (what about passing only clear water prior to passing stones?) ,"Undigested cellulose" accounting for tubular waxy formations with a hollow center (once again, what about the fast beforehand and the absence of intestinal debris?), "calcium oxalates from the carrot juice" accounting for calcified stones (this one has got to be the most ridiculous. Does anyone really believe that calcium from carrot juice can coat a liver stone with a hard white shell in the 20 seconds it takes to exit the intestines?).
The origin of the liver flush stones is indeed intrahepatic.
And as for the candida fungal colonies, they are obviously not mucus. Mucus is a viscous colloid containing enzymes, immunoglobulin, inorganic salts, proteins, and glycoproteins known as mucins that give it it's unique texture and viscosity.
The candida colonies in my photos are fungal colonies with cell walls and a distinct texture and smell.
It is not mucus. You can pick it up and it maintains its shape. You can pull it and swing it around and it will not break. You can squeeze it and it will not part. It releases an acrid odor when dying that resembles brewers yeast, gasoline, and rotten eggs. I have released some with bloody insertions where their rhizomes penetrated my intestinal lining. Oftentimes they have veins going through them resembling a nervous system.
I believe I have made my case.
Thankfully, within the past 2 months this ignorant poster has actually passed a few fungal colonies from doing nystatin enemas. Hopefully he a lot lot more humble and reasonable now:
"I have been doing Nystatin enemas, and I have passed out all what you describe. Whatever it is, it is what have us sick. I guess candida colonies because single cells are microscopic.
Now that's what I call positive growth!!
The truth always wins in the end- it just takes time for people like this guy to wake up from their slumber. Who knows- maybe he never would have drawn the conclusion that what he passed with the nystatin enemas were indeed fungal colonies were it not for him reading my post and seeing my pictures.
It seems the world is no longer flat.
I appreciate everything you've just told me. Every bit of info I can get helps.
The problem I'm now trying to understand is that, most of my issues recently exploded 10 fold 2-3 days after I stopped all of my chelating supplementation cold turkey in order to test for the heavy metals again. The test is a "6 hour challenge" test by Doctor's data that collects urine for 6 hours after taking a specific 1 time dosage of dmsa.
This is not the first time I heard from people having horrible reactions to dmsa, specifically these massive loading tests. Don’t do them anymore. DMPS is the preferable chelator.
I did one about 1.5 years ago, and then another maybe 6-8 months ago, which actually showed the levels had increased. My NP said that is actually a good thing as the protocol is "scooping" deeper stores and cleaning out hidden areas.
It is probably* good, assuming you are not exposed to current sources and assuming that your aren’t just moving stuff around. Also it’s only good if you can actually survive the detoxification process. In one of the Cutler books he says that in cases where many toxic elements are elevated, an elevated thallium level can be just an artifact.
What I didn't mention in my previous post at the time, is that my body feels like all of my organs are clogged and my entire system is freaking out. My kidneys and head are in pain 24/7. When I try to take things like probiotics, or chlorella or charcoal in really small doses, it gives me unbearable pains and ringing in my ears. My limbs are starting to get sore and painful again, when they weren't as bad before I stopped. I'm getting disjointed thoughts and difficulty with my eye sight and my feet start to lose circulation rather quickly when I sit.
Also not the first time I heard this story. In fact it’s more like the norm for people who are really poisoned out. You have to go at your own pace, take whatever breaks you feel you need and use all tools at your disposal. From what I recall Cutler was not a fan of chlorella. Were you taking cracked cell chlorella? Are you getting adequate animal protein? I think in this case it will help your kidneys. Saturated fats also can help to some degree to protect your organs and also act as weak temporary binders.
Right now I'm not taking any chelators. I'm just doing ionic foot bath once a week and Epsom Salt bath every night (which gives me this weird heavy cigarette smoke I smell for the rest of the night). I stopped taking the lipoic acid and started taking the coq10 instead. I found that if I took vit C with lipoic acid and no chelators, it seemed to mess with my head. I'm also taking NAC because it's the only thing that seems to help reduce the pain in my kidneys. I can try the selenium, I'm not sure how well it binds though. My naturopath wants to focus on mitochondrial support by having me do stuff like epsom bath, infrared lighting and distilled water with trace minerals, but I'm not sure how much benefit it can give me while this is still going on.
Animal protein will most likely help similar to NAC. Be careful of every new thing you do and don’t push too hard. Selenium can act protectively or it can also add to your burden by increasing the detoxification. I don’t see sauna listed anywhere in the protocol. Long term sauna is one of the best ways to detox metals.
It's strange that sulpher kicks up all these metals, yet my naturopath has suggested stuff like garlic supplements to apparently aid in my kidney function and the lipoic acid for antioxidant support. He is definitely following the Dr. Klinghardt protocol. He seems pretty adament about the ephicacy of Ionic foot bath+ chlorella+ cilantro (Which I want to point out, that I read you're not supposed to take chlorella without cilantro because chlorella is sloppy and the cilantro helps carry it out. But then I also get information saying not to take cilantro).
Just follow the body. Whatever feels right is right. Sulphur amino acids from animal protein again.
I'm just so confused by all the information and having trouble trying to find the right approach. I just want my body to stabalize itself again so I can try getting back on track, but I'm afraid to go back on the chlorella because at a low dose, it makes things almost worse. But I hear dmsa can be equally as bad if not worse. I've read Cutler's exerpt on the thallium (thank ou for providing that btw) and have been trying to get in touch with a medical practitioner who can provide me with prussian blue, or dmsa, but my GP doesn't understand heavy metal chelating and when I tried to do a regular 24 hour urine test with my GP, it came back as a factor of 7 of either umol/L or 7 nmol/day from a 3.40L sample of urine. According to the nurses that's nothing to worry about? I was taking chlorella at the time, so I don't know if that distorted the numbers.
Have you considered hair mineral test as a way to track progress? You will also have the benefit of seeing your mineral profile and any other heavy metals that could be in the mix.
The fact of the matter is, I have no clue whether the levels of metal in my system went up or down until I can manage to do the same 6 hour dmsa test again.
If it is like you say and I was essentially pushing things too fast and then all of a sudden stopped, leaving all that mobilized HM to pool into sensitive spots, how do I get things moving again when everything just feels so overloaded.
There is probably room for improvement in diet. Vitamin C rich fruits/veggies or supplemental acerola cherry powder. Animal protein as mentioned 3x earlier, test saturated fats: ghee, coconut fat, beef fat, lamb fat, some calf liver if tolerated, illite clay for binding, sauna for detox, colored berries to help bind metals (blueberry, raspberry), getting squared on which of the chelators you can actually tolerate. DMPS is usually best tolerated.
Have you experimented at all with raising/lowering potassium. Do this very carefully just to test the waters. I see that Cutler also recommends this for thallium. I would only use food sources so that you can adjust levels by taste.
Iodine will likely complex with thallium, but you need to be extremely careful and do low dosing in case it makes things worse.
Keep bowels, kidney and liver moving as best you can. I would say no to distilled water and yes to high quality fruit or vegetable juice.
Taurine might help thin bile and keep liver in decent shape.
Humic acid supplement might help.
I would poke around to find a functional medicine doctor, your naturopath does not sound competent.
Are you supplementing minerals?
Half of detoxing is keeping strong. Actually it's probably more than half because if you die or get damaged it doesn't matter how clever you were with the detox protocol.
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