Ok Michael; it appears I may have been the only one brave or dumb enough to actually try this ginger bomb based on your experience.
When I read about your ginger bomb, I decided to use the nuclear option myself.
I am, however, doing a couple of things differently just because I had started out taking a different approach from the start.
I'm not making soup out my ginger; I'm just eating it raw. Yes; it's harsh, but I have a good reason for doing it which may ultimately not make any difference, but I'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired, I'm not taking any chances anymore.
I'm also eating more. I have something less than two
pounds on the cutting board now, and I've been eating it for about two hours, almost non-stop. My plan is to continue until it's all gone. It may be an all-nighter, but if it works, I'll have no regrets.
The reason I'm not making soup out of it is that from what I understand, there are various chemical actions or reactions that can take place when a raw food is cooked. An example would be when onions are cooked, they carmelize and sugars are produced that weren't there before cooking. I didn't want to risk altering the molecular makeup of the ginger, so that's why I'm taking it raw.
In addition to eating the ginger raw, I'm putting one eye dropper full of DMSO into a 16-ounces glass of water to sip as I eat the ginger. The DMSO should help the ginger molecules to absorb more fully into the GI tissues and bloodstream and have an even more destructive effect on the candida.
Besides this approach to ingesting the ginger bomb, I'm also taking Lufenuron, an effective antifungal produced by Novartis for sale at owndoc.com. I mix 4.5g of it with two large avocados in a guacamole. It might be a better idea though, to leave out the guac mix as it's primary ingredient is maltodextrin, a form of sugar.
I've taken the Lufenuron before at the recommended dosages, being 3g/day for 3 days, but I've been finding that once I've taken it, the candida symptoms return, most notably the morning intestinal gurgling and foaming sounds as well as the sluggishness and fatigue.
I increased the dosage to 4.5g/day for four days. Today was day #2 of the Lufenuron at that dose.
I have to say that this approach to evicting candida is not only not for the weak of heart, but is down right brutal, although not as bad (so far) as the tobacco method. I do NOT recommend that, not unless you enjoy vomiting for hours at a time.
I just met with a doctor this week and donated some samples of blood and stool for some tests, but I've done that before with no actionable test results. They will be running one additional stool test, and they may be looking for candida this time as opposed to last time, so there's a chance or two that this round of testing could potentially yield *something*, but only time will tell.
I certainly hope that anyone who reads these forum posts and decides to try something will document it well and post their experience here. YouTube videos are also very helpful. I have been doing some vlogging since I started this ginger bomb earlier this evening for the purpose of documenting my experience in an effort to provide others with more information.
As I'm sure most of you are aware, there is a lot of information out there on candida, but when it comes to trying to determine how to CURE it, the information is notoriously inconsistent, and can cause one to spend way too much money and take way too much time.
Please help all of us with your stories, as we all benefit from sharing.
Like Michael, I will be writing a book once I'm cured. Let's not allow the corrupted and clueless medical and drug industries to profit from spreading their disinformation to people who are too busy working to research and educate themselves on human physiology.
"All disease begins in the gut." -Hippocrates
"Let thy food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be thy food." -Hippocrates