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Re: Mercury problems exacerbated by Cholestyramine/Welchol & biotoxin protocol?

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jazzbones Views: 10,575
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Re: Mercury problems exacerbated by Cholestyramine/Welchol & biotoxin protocol?

Hi Joe,

Thanks for your thoughtful responses. And yes, I also recently joined the Yahoo FDC group, and I recognize your name.

Have to say, I am a little overwhelmed by all the info and details and things to consider! I think my best decision so far has been to take it slow, do a lot of reading (STILL waiting for the cutler book to arrive!), and make a plan, even though I am so eager to just start SOMETHING.

Meantime, I am doing a fair amount of vitamin C, sleep, and my usual liver and adrenal supports. Also restarting acupuncture, for overall support.

I hear you about getting sidetracked by the mold issue. The ALA IV's I did were supposed to help with treatment for the brain fog we assumed was from the mold- to clear the toxins from the brain. When I had such a bad reaction, I went looking for the reason, and came across Cutler's ideas about ALA, which seemed to make perfect sense.

So I went back and looked at some old heavy metals tests from years ago.... and took them in to show my doc last week. One of them I'd done in 2008 while under the care of an NP in his office- and (I can hardly believe this)- he looked at it last week and commented that the mercury levels on that blood test were high enough that we should have looked into treating it back then! (I don't know whether to be pissed or grateful (that we didn't make it worse by chelating wrong.) So yes, I feel like I have been barking up the wrong tree for years now.

Now I am beginning to form some hypotheses, like maybe the reason I had such a hard time on the mold/biotoxin protocol was not the medication, but the chlorella I took (was told to take) along with it. The main sxs from that protocol were worsening of fatigue/depression/brain fog. Based on AC's ideas, it seems likely that I was just stirring up the mercury, while removing some biotoxins. (Though my blood markers for those haven't improved much, so I'm not sure what's been going on there.)

Anyway, thanks for listening!




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