Re: Mercury problems exacerbated by Cholestyramine/Welchol & biotoxin protocol?
"Meantime, I am doing a fair amount of vitamin C, sleep, and my usual liver and adrenal supports...
== That sounds like a solid start. Cutler also has Mg and Zn on his short list.
"(I don't know whether to be pissed or grateful (that we didn't make it worse by chelating wrong.) So yes, I feel like I have been barking up the wrong tree for years now.
== Yes I understand how you feel. I was sick for 15+ yrs before I heard Dr. Mark Hyman's story and found Cutler. I was fortunate that someone in my extended circle of friends allowed his doctor to experiment on him with unhappy results. He warned me not do do the same! My friend got much better with Cutler's assistance but it took years. He looks great now but he says he still has a few remaining issues.
Re Chlorella.
== Yes, the thiol/SH groups will kick up Hg without grabbing it as well as the dithiol chelators--DMSA, DMPS, ALA. Also this was probably not good for your immune system.
== Good luck & God bless.
== Joe