Hi all,
I am currently assembling a Google map with physicians and physical therapists who have substantial knowledge of RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury). I was wondering if any of you know good medical people I could additionally recommend on my map?
Repetitive Strain Injury - Physical Therapists
I created the website after I had been suffering from RSI for over 3 years. It's my personal story (22,000+ words) combined with advice on prevention, self-treatment, ergonomic equipment and I hope that it will help fellow sufferers overcome their pain.
Thank you for your help!
Hi Papers,
If it were me, I would carefully consider the information previous posted in this forum:
Best wishes, Papers,
Hi Papers,
You are most welcome!
I would like to offer you this one cautionary comment: If you review [all] the material, be sure you get this point: Dosage is the key! As an example, if a doctor prescribed a dose of antibiotic to a patient, it would come with both an amount and frequency of dosage. Hypothetically, if that patient decided to cut that prescribed antibiotic dosage in half, and/or ingest it at one-half the prescribed frequency, and then did not get the results expected, could we really/honestly say that they tried the antibiotic out, and it did not work? And so it is with ascorbic acid. Dr. Robert Cathcart, M.D., wrote that he did not see significant results in his patients until they approached Bowel Tolerance: "The clinical symptoms of...diseases and other conditions...are markedly ameliorated only as bowel tolerance dose levels (the amount that almost, but not quite, causes diarrhea) are approached."
And this similarly from Dr. Thomas E. Levy, M.D.: "The three most important considerations in effective vitamin C therapy are 'Dose, Dose, and Dose.' If you don't take enough, you won't get the desired effects. Period!...you will rarely ever fail to observe a dramatic response...IF you take a large enough dose for a long enough time."
All just "grist for your mill," Papers.
Best wishes,
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