I know how aggravating it is when you can't get your body to respond the way you want it to. One orthopedist initially said that my condition may be a precursor to some autosomal disorder, such as lupus or MS, that may develop at a later date. I still test positive for the lupus antibody while symptom-free.
Most doctors do a CBC without determining what caused the abnormals. For instance, I was told for 10 years that I was anemic without one physician investigating *why* I was anemic. I had pernicious anemia caused by B-12 deficiency, and when severe, it causes all sorts of neurological symptoms (like those I listed above)and even permanent damage if left untreated. A CBC doesn't normally include vitamin/mineral/hormone levels, so these additional lab tests have to be requested by the physician. (A big tipoff for MS or MD would be abnormal creatine levels.)
My suggestion is to not give up. Do a little research on your own on the internet or at the library of a learning-hospital if there is one near you. Get a copy of your blood labs and it should list what is out of normal ranges. Then, look each one up on the internet to find out what may be causing that abnormal result. Even borderline lows near normal ranges could cause you problems because this is based on the population average result versus an individual's bodily needs. We are all different and function better at different levels. For instance, I get depressed when my B-12 goes under 800 pcg/ml, and that's within (the average population) normal range. So my physician is considering giving me two injections of Cobalamin per month. Someone else's normal may not be normal or optimal for me or you either.
For me, there was a lot of stress involved with NOT knowing what exactly was wrong with me, so I can sympathize in that regard. I truly hope and pray that you find out what is wrong so as to begin treatment. Take care of yourself, ~Sunni