you have to be your own best friend and do your own research. Opinions even on liverflushing vary from expert to expert. I believe the typical consensus is that flushing every 2-3 weeks is perfectly acceptable. I cannot think of anyone who has had a problem with it, unless they were very sick or totally toxic, in which case they probably not flush at all, or at least until their liver is in a more healthy state. I flushed every 2-3 weeks until my last flush 2 weeks ago with no problem at all. Most people who want to flush until everything is gone flush every 2-3 weeks. I have no idea why it would be recommended to do it only once a year, particularly since most people who are flushing have health problems. At that rate, it could take 20 years for some people to rid their liver, and if they are producing more stones, then their problems would only get worse.