18 y
The warmth of guilt
We will often embrace guilt like a warm blanket of comfort - we know that guilt will absolve us of any stupid decisions that we make because of the nature of guilt, itself.
Guilt = self-deprication, self-dehumanization, self-humiliation, self-abuse, relinquished control, gross self-indulgence, gross self-absorbtion, etc.
Guilt becomes something that we look forward to: we know exactly how guilt will make us feel, what it will cause us to do, and how pitiful we are when we're in the throes of a guilt-trip. Well, guilt is the invitation to a Pity Party. The only person who ever attends MY Pity Parties is my Self. Therefore, I choose NOT to embrace guilt.
The decisions that I make are good, bad, and seemingly benign. If I make a stupid decision, so what? I just try not to make the same stupid decision, again! That's the difference between guilt and personal power - guilt excuses us from proactive steps while personal power rejects guilt, entirely.
Leave the guilt by the side of the road - it's a waste of time, effort, and emotional energy.