i had threadwors i n my hands and arms, and elsewhere-if you have them in gut and don't treat them they go to your skin, well i used a prescription exact like IVERMECTIN, 2 hours later theirs 30 of them hanging out--i touch them and they dont retract as usual--2 hours after that they are out and hard as a rock- snap the showing part of the off, 10 days-=--NO WORMS,---this chemical worked- ivermectin is the best but its banned in canada where i am, someone died--it is an insecticide--i know a horse veterinarian if I really need it--if in U.S.A. youre able to get it prescribed -its called STROMECTOL- but it ivermectin; one dose everything in your body dies-its used worldwide and hailed by W.H.O.-world health org. as a miracle drug--thats all to tell you-get my email from this place if possible-and we'll switch info