Re: Andreas Moritz totally opposes parasite cleansing...
"FYI Prior to circa 1900 there was no organized western medicine, "
and what was life expectancy back then?
In year 1900 life expectancy in USA was 47.8 years
But yes many people lived to quite old, because this number include big death among babies....but yes even adjusted for this life expectancy was much lower than today.
And in 1850 life expectancy in USA was only 38.3
well we could discuss this up and down....but what is your point, that everyone lived natural and happy and organic before 1900...long lives with no parasites..actually
parasites was one of main problems back then, read the history....problem is smaller now, but sill much higher than most people think
And especially babies they had not got time to eat to much synthetic
Antibiotics I think at age 1...still death rate was very high back then...ohh was it the bad
Sugar that did it...
I do not say everything went better, but yes did you even have Histolytica, read my other posts....And what do you want us to do, go back to death rates before 1900?