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Re: Do not follow these people's advice who are still sick... about liver cleansing, etc...; go see a a competant doctor...
Michael B Views: 16,787
Published: 12 y
This is a reply to # 1,928,640

Re: Do not follow these people's advice who are still sick... about liver cleansing, etc...; go see a a competant doctor...

What entitles you to so freely insult others who have real experience healing themselves and who offer useful advice that would save others years of time and thousands of dollars? Really, what entitles you to so freely fling your harmful opinions around?

My posts about how I have healed myself, my exact protocols, and in fact a lot of really intelligent and well thought out reasoning behind why I recommend such advice is freely available for all to read. People do not need a "warning" from you; they can think for themselves.

Relating specifically to the posts in question, i actually have killed parasites in my liver using natural protocols. Are you seriously trying to tell me that natural cleansing methods are nonsense and do not work?

Why don't you just offer up YOUR advice, which would be to get a mucus scraping test, without adding on so many personal attacks? Is it really so difficult? Why so much desperation and insult in your posts?

Come on, how about some REAL talk here: Natural healing WORKS.

Healthy diet
Pure water
Get off drugs and addictions
Exercise in nature
Stop watching television
Colon cleanse
Liver flush
parasite cleanse
Heavy metal chelation
Self awareness
Emotional healing
Good sex
Self love
Energy work
Stop associating with negative people
Quit your job and become your own boss
Sleep before 10pm and wake up at sunrise
Spend less time trolling cure zone

BOOM you are cured congratulations!

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