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Re: intestines are as permeable as cheesecloth. potato chips shred more intestines then any parasites do
TropicalBoy Views: 17,613
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Re: intestines are as permeable as cheesecloth. potato chips shred more intestines then any parasites do

"Potato chips rip apart thin permeable intestinal walls far worse and far more often then any known parasites"

Where is your evidence? can you show us the study?when you come with such sayings you better have some proof for it...

Is this based on people eating potato chips, then someone has opened their stomach and found damage, or from must be very careful by mixing correlations and causality...

Assume 10 people with horrible stomach problems, biopsies of their intestine all show damage, all of them ate quite regularly potato chips, do this mean potato chips damged their intestines? What if they all had a bowel wall parasite not detectd that made them sensitive to potato just looking at correlations or what I call surface Science you can easily draw wrong conclusions, this is a big problem in many not so good medical papers...

It is unfortunately plenty of medical papers basing their conclusions on correlation without proper proof of also causality this can often lead to wrong conclusion.

Same mistake can be done and is likely done on several parasites. Assume a series of persons complain about a series of similar symptoms. Then in most of them one find a parasite in the stool. It is easy to conclude this parasite must be the cause. But what if this parasite also is in most helahty people. Can it be that one just are mistakenly looking at correlations. What if this is simply a non pathogen parasite part of normal flora. If one in addtion have evidence for example the paraiste attack tissue and not is in healthy population then one suddenly have more than correlation, one also have causality...

Lots of conclusions in society is surface Science based on loose correlations, good Science in addtion have causality. For most parasites one have also figured out causality, one know actually which one are pathogens and non pathogens, but yes I was also tricked by correlation here once...but it was just a non pathogen...

The best books on infection medicine are in general a collection of the best. science...too bad only a handful of doctors seem to follow these books in detail

That said every person with a little knowledge know potato chips not are very healthy. Still snacking on them once a week or so in my healing phase they did not stop me from just getting better and better and better.... I had removed the true cause of my sickness....the body has amazig healing capacity and can even do well on a little junk food from time to time...but yes try to eat healthy, whatever that is...


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