Re: Andreas Moritz totally opposes parasite cleansing...
I know a guy who was 'cured' of lyme disease with
Antibiotics . His abdomen looks like he is 8 months pregnant, yet the doctor claims the guy is cured.
Thanks for the laugh. :D"
but again you people are likley not seeing the deeper truth...
Many lyme disease doctors are basing the lyme diangosis on tests that not are accepted by any good medical science. Health authorities (even if they also can do errors quite ofene) warns against CD57+ NK cell count to diagnose lyme, also against LLT tests that many of thse crank lyme disease docrors relay on..
All the big books says Borrelia burgdoferi is a very dangoerous bacteria, lucklily they also day it can be cured by 7 to 14 days of well known broad specter
Antibiotics ...Many with real lyme disease get quickly cured, healing can take longer....
So yes this person very likely do possibly not even have lyme, but has something elese....
of course Lyme disease is very broad term...Lyme is a area in connecticut USA where first was found a connection between certain sympotms in many people and that they had one thing in common bitten by ticks and had one type of borrelia burgdorferi.... now we know there are many type of borrelia that ticks can carry also many other bacterias....almost all of them are easy to detect based on standard blood tests and easy to cure if diagnose and treatment are given early enough
You people should be attacking doctors not knowledagbel in western medicine, this do not mean western medicine not have the answer....please if you are attacking a field then read the litterature first, not only listen to cranks that have studied fraction of it..and do not follow what the big books says....