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In Africa the natives were IMMUNE to malaria due to thier indiginous diet
thinker2012 Views: 16,909
Published: 13 y
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In Africa the natives were IMMUNE to malaria due to thier indiginous diet

In africa the natives were immune to mosquitos and malaria and tste flies UNTIL DR. ALBERT SWEITZER MD built the first european medical clinic in africa and brought boatloads and tons of refined sugar and refined sugary laden sweet breads to feed the local afrikaners every morning for breakfast, lunch, snack and at dinner, once the afrikaners had eaten the refined european sugar and had the refined white sugar bread donut goo in thier blood the mosquitos and tste flies went crazy to get at the refined white sugar in the the natives skin and of course, in the europeans refined sugar soaked skin and blood.

spill refined sugar water at a picnic and watch the wormy bugs come

drop a lemon or lime on the ground and it will attact no wormy bugs, it will repel wormy bugs

Shrimpy it is your choice to see your md as YOUR gOD. Please do not impose YOUR gOD in the white polyester coat on others.

I am a metaphysician who has access to millions of healing records archieved in the christian science church at 101 norway st. boston ma. that triple wittness, one md witness included documented healings from GOD in HEAVEN, a God that does not charge money, bilk insurers, wear white polyester or pick his nose while sitting above a pharmacy waiting for business.

I do not name call and wish ill on those who reject my DIVINE GOD in HEAVEN, please do not name call and wish ill on those who CHOOSE to reject YOUR gOD who is just another fallable mortal who picks his nose above a pharmacy shop or butcher shop waiting for customers to sell kidney clogging lab chalk to.

 Thank you.



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