Re: Andreas Moritz totally opposes parasite cleansing...
Such flushes can likely give short term symptom improvement in some paraiste infections...
One dangerous
parasite according to some of the very best books thick books on parasitology actually describe it can make the gut leak (through micro damage, many microscopic holes caused by the dangerous parasite), so anything in the gastro system will actually be kind of posionos to body at this stage, as it leaks into areas where it not should be...but yes we need food so we cannot stop eating forever, even if also total fast in this stage often also will help short term (symptom treament again)
Several of these flusehes actually lead to diaheare....basically what is in the gastro system in terms of procesed food etc is flushed out.... and yes this can likely give short term improvement in symptoms....but again in this case it is pure symptom treatment....It has nothing to do with fixing the cause...
many many many therpies developed by incompetent doctors as well as natural therpeies etc are simply that: symptom treament....
I do not say every symptom treament is bad....but best is to find cause fix deeper cause....then again body has amazing and wonderful healing capacity...but yes human body has evolved into wonderful beings over thousandas and thousand and thousands of years, but also the
parasites are just as old...if not older....they have also eveolved and are very very impressive in how they attack and can survive in yes clue is to detect them, get proper dignose, right medicine....and cure
very very very few infections are uncurable (based on current knowledge) most of them are esasily cured, but often requiere special medicines in special doses and combinations....without proper diagnose very hard
Doctors need to go home read, patients need to seek out what are doctors practicing the best of well known medical
Science and avoid the many doctors with lack of competence.... that said, I do not doubt most doctors are good in acute medicine when one has broken bones from accidents and stuff like that...