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  • hello 68391- I’ve read so much about MMS that If ...   minime   16 y  3,526

    This is a reply to # 1,088,818

    hello 68391- I’ve read so much about MMS that If I were you, I would start the MMS as soon as I get it because it really seems promising. One lady’s husband was using it for rashes he was gettin ....

    hello 68391-
    I've read so much about Miracle-Mineral-Supplement that If I were you, I would start the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement as soon as I get it because it really seems promising. One lady's husband was using it for rashes he was getting and also for some other stuff that was wrong with him and she said she noticed one thing...that he used to have a very odd odor about him and she really could not put her finger on it, but that that odd odor is now gone. (and he was not even taking it for bad breath and Body Odor ). Well just want to say that and I really hope you are able to combat your problem with what ever you decide.
    Good luck and Bless you.
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    Cavernous Hemangioma   planter40   17 y  3,399

    Cavernous Hemangioma

    I have a Giant Cavernous Hemangioma and am looking for information from others that have gone through a liver resection. Any information you can provide would be welcomed. Thanks
  • Liver donor complications underreported   thall72315   17 y  2,292  C

    Liver donor complications underreported

    Liver donor complications underreported

    By Karen M. Dente, MD

    RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters Health) - People who donate a portion of their liver can experience serious complications and even death, but these problems often go unreported, according to findings presented here at the 13th Annual International Congress of the International Liver Transplantation Society.

    Live donation can be risky, said Dr. Timothy Pruett, of the University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville. Rehospitalization occurs in a significant number of people, with about 40 percent of people having some sort of complication and a few dying following donation, according to estimates he cited.

    "Exact data on (serious complications and death) are not known," said Dr. Burkhardt Ringe, of the Center for Liver, Biliary and Pancreas Disease at Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia. Despite four reviews published in 2006, there are no accurate data on the number of donor deaths.

    Ringe and his group reviewed medical studies published since 1989, ranging from anecdotal reports to sophisticated surveys, in an attempt to update the worldwide living donor death rate. Their goal was to assess the accuracy of the information as they assigned certainty levels to each source identified, ranging from direct reporting of fatalities by the center to indirect publication by an author not involved in the care, and information based on personal or verbal communication.

    At the congress, Ringe reported a donor death at his center that has not been reflected in the latest death reports.

    It is estimated that more than 10,000 living donor transplants having been performed worldwide, and that the donor death rate ranges from 0.1 to 0.3 percent.

    "I think it is important to report every donor (death), regardless of whether it occurs early or late," said Ringe. "To maintain truly informed consent and public confidence in the procedure, it is imperative that all deaths of living donors be reported by the transplant program where the fatality occurred."
  • I want to hear from those diagonsed with Focal Nod...   nassyjs   17 y  1,964  C

    I want to hear from those diagonsed with Focal Nodular Hyperplasia

    I was diagnosed with a benign tumor on my liver call Focal Nodular Hyperplasia as well as several Hemangiomas. I have severe allergies, a heart murmur, decreased ardrenal function, LOW blood pressure and scoliosis. The doctors seem to think this is coincidence. I think it's a syndrome not yet named or discovered. If you have FNH could you please respond with other anomalies you may have as well.

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    Is there any way to get rid of a liver hemangioma?   #27902   18 y  5,221

    Is there any way to get rid of a liver hemangioma?

    I was diagnosed with having a liver hemangioma just a few years ago and it causes moderate pain.

    It has grown from 2.5cm to 3.7cm. Is there any way to reduce the size or to even get rid of it without having surgery??
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    Cholecystitis and 1 cm spot on my liver likely hem...   aur   19 y  5,773  C

    Cholecystitis and 1 cm spot on my liver likely hemangioma.

    Since i was young (Im 35 now) every time i eat oils (heated oils mainly) I would spit them up, I still have this problem but now Im learning why. Does anyone have this condition?
    I have had left shoulder arm pain for a year, and began liver -gall cleansing and have had good results with all four within the last few months passing soft stones and a lot of chaff. After each cleanse my arm and back pain would decrease for awhile then return again. I also have a 4 cm cyst in my left breast. Because of my increased pain in the liver gall area i decide to get a sonogram finding I have cholecystis and a 1 cm spot on my liver likely hemangioma. I do believe in this cleansing and would like to heal all my ailments. How often can I cleanse with cholecystitis? ? I would like to do it very often to heal? but what Is best?
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    Flush or not Flush liver? diffuse large Hemangioma...   #45438   19 y  4,947  C

    Flush or not Flush liver? diffuse large Hemangioma in Liver.

    I got a Ct scan a week and half ago of lungs to see if I had any lung disorder due to chest pain. Lungs were fine, but, a diffuse large Hemangioma in Liver was detected. This was the radiologists finding. Then they done a ultrasound of liver yesterday. I have not heard from the radiologist report, but the girl doing the ultrasound, said I had dark spots all throughout the liver. I've been researching possibilities. I have read in several locations throughtout the internet if I do have hemangioma, not to let doctor do a biopsy, due to possible internal bleeding from the needle. I also have been seeing a number of sites recommending detox approach for this condition. My question is... Could it be a possiblity that the spots throughout my liver could be stones as these I've seen on your site? And if/with this condition (hemangioma)would this (Hulda's) recipe could be very benefical for me. I am not sure, correct me if I'm wrong liver hemangiomas may be created from excess toxins or metals. I will wait for the Ultrasound report and doctors suggestions(out of curosity) before starting a detox, just in case it is another illness. Thanks
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    Liver hemangioma question?   marty   21 y  5,433  C

    Liver hemangioma question?

    I have a small liver hemangioma that doc says is nothing to worry about. Has anyone had success with shrinking these after liver flushes? Thanks again.
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