I just took a good friend to the hospital today with what she thought was gallbladder inflammation and pain. after an ultrasound and ct scan with contrast,we were told that she had a very large mass on her liver 11 cm. The doctor that told us this indicated that he had already spoken with an oncologist and that the next step was meeting with oncologist. Fortunately a 2nd doctor reviewed her tests and came in and told us that it was probably a very large liver hemangiamo and that they would order a red blood scan test next to find out more. He said that liver hemangiomas are not uncommon in women taken oral birth control. My friend is on the pill. Apparently estogen can play a role in the development and growth of these twisted blood vessels. I will post more when we have results and more answers. the doctor did say that the hemangioma could possible go away, with time, on its own once she stops taking birth control pills. She is in a lot of a pain with hers so they admitted to the hospital, i imagine that they are concerned about it rupturing as well.