(MSW is my degree, ACSW is the national license for social workers if their state doesn't have a license program, DCSW it the highest credential the National Association for Social Workers/NASW awards an advanced professional, and LCSW is my state of Alaska license credential.)
Note from Lynne: K.R., the author of this case study, provided her real name but I've chosen to keep her story anonymous.
Reviews for The Iodine Crisis
Iodine and Mental Health
Debunking Iodized Salt
For those sensitive to iodine
It sounds as if you suffer from seasonal depression (SAD), which is triggering panic symptoms. Do you have a history of anxiety/panic besides during the winter months?
I can understand your wanting to get relief at any cost, which would entail medication, but don't do it. In the end you will be sorry. They do more harm, no good, and are highly addictive.
Supplements that will help are:
Colloidal Gold: This supplement works in a three-fold way. It encompasses body, mind, and spirit. http://www.utopiasilver.com is a very good source. In fact, they have a first time buyer offer where you receive one bottle free for every 8 oz bottle ordered, but you must call them to receive this offer. After that, by inserting coupon code LR001, you receive a 15% discount if it is not on sale. Colloidal gold lifts one's spirits.
Trace Minerals. Make sure they are plant derived. These are also available from Utopia Silver the above coupon code will get you a 15% discount.
Bach Flower Remedies. Go through the list and pick products that relate to your particular symptoms.
Hawthorne Berry Syrup will stop a racing heart.
Look into iodine supplementation. I take SSKI and magnascent. You can get added information as to the benefits of iodine with regard to anxiety and panic conditions in the iodine forum.
During this time, make sure you do things to relax and to make you "happy" such as relaxation exercises and meditation. If you are not familiar with these, I will be happy to give you pointers. Also, the emotional freedom technique (EFT) should be of help. This works by tapping on certain acupressure points throughout the body.
I believe that these suggestions should be of tremendous help to you. Of course, continue with a healthy diet. Try to eat as much raw as possible. No sugars or refined foods.
My best to you,
Hi marshmallow,
As someone who is familiar with how debilitating panic and anxiety can be, I perfectly understand wanting relief by any means. My anxiety and panic was year round, although I will say that during the winter months, especially from the end of daylight savings until the middle of January, it became absolutely unbearable.
Unfortunately, during this time in my life, I knew nothing about natural healing, so I resorted to conventional medicine (benzos and antidepressants). I will share with you that although they made me able to "function," they did not truly heal me. And the relief that I did feel was overshadowed by other side effects. It was when I found natural alternatives when true healing took place. I revamped my diet and took the proper supplements. I was then able to wean myself off the meds and this was a grueling process. Anxiety and panic has many causes. Mine was emotionally based, so I had to also address these issues.
Before you seriously think of opting for meds, give these a try.
My Best,
There is usually more to the problem than what is on the surface. For some reason, and I don't know exactly why, the onset of early darkness makes everything worse. And sometimes it's bad enough under normal circumstances. You and I have a lot in common. I was also agoraphobic and although I wouldn't classify myself as anorexic, when under extreme anxiety I just don't eat becoming dangerously thin. Anxiety/panic disorders must usually be addressed in a twofold way encompassing both physical and emotional aspects. If the emotional aspects are not resolved, even though we do everything to properly nourish the physical body, healing will not occur. It may get better, and become manageable, but there will be no true healing. Healing from any disease (and especially this one) encompasses body, mind, and spirit.
Rather than relying on antidepressants that are merely a very poor bandaid, it may be best to seek the natural route, together with finding someone who could help with underlying issues. All antidepressants do is shut down our emotions, and emotions are an integral part of our life. The secret is finding ways to channel them constructively. learning how to listen to them. Our emotions many times are the key to our deepest needs. The problem is that society has taught us how to shut ourselves off from our emotions and keep them bottled up. Hence, the reason for why so many suffer from anxiety, panic, and other emotional disorders. Antidepressants also have dangerous side effects, two of which are weight gain and Type II Diabetes. In essence, even though antidepressants may be a "quick fix," they are merely a bandaid and no true healing occurs. Therefore, the initial problem will resurface in the future. Yes, true healing may take some time, but it is a healing journey, and at the end we can be assured that we have true health and total wellbeing, in body, mind, and spirit.
Believe me, I know the desperation that you speak of. I have been there. Maybe the solution would be to find a doctor of naturopathy. They would guide you in all aspects of healing, naturally.
My Best,
Hi Marshmallow,
"A few weeks" is just the beginning in your healing journey. Sometimes healing and self discovery takes a bit of time. Focus on each bit of progress that you make and rejoice. Whatever route you choose to take, first and foremost love and nurture yourself. It begins with loving oneself.
One thing I would like to point out in the following statement that you made:
I can't expect to rush into health after spending so long letting my being deteriorate willingly.
Hmmmmm......... You didn't necessarily let yourself deteriorate willingly. An anxiety and panic disorder is very complex. As you know, many times depression is also involved. When caught in its grip, too many times we are not truly aware or have the wherewithall to realize what is happening to us and we slide downhill, slowly, but downhill nevertheless. So many do not realize the seriousness of this condition. For example, this very condition has caused me to deteriorate, but it was not willingly. And to fully explain the aspects of this statement would take a chapter in a book. In your healing journey, do away with any aspect of blame and replace it with unconditional love. Actually, at the end of your journey, you will discover new growth that maybe you would not have attained if you were not given this challenge. I know......... a very painful challenge.
In the end, I want you to know that I support you and that I am here for you. It's all about loving and accepting oneself, primarily.
Many Hugs,
Hello All,
I had a pollen allergy attack for last three days and it got worse day by day. Yesterday I decided to just not eat and do LF. I must say that all day of suffering with drippy nose and itchy eyes and throat, just went away with one flush. I went out for a walk in the morning and there was no sneezing etc. I did get a little bit runny nose which has gone after I did my Epsom salt drink in the morning.
I had a lot of small 1/8" stones and sludge in my BMs. I am planning to do this again in a few weeks.
It is a miracle that one flush can have such a great imapct on allergies. I never had pollen allergy before.
Thanks to this forum, and the person who guided me here ten years ago.
Spinal subluxations can cause all kinds of health problems, which have no connection to back aches. I would suggest getting your spince checked out by a good chiro.
I read that kidney problems, liver / GB problems could also be caused by mislaigned spine. Even High BP.
Sometimes the results can be miraculous.
Something else to try out is good yoga practice. I think yoga helps in elimination. If eimination is good, bloating cannot happen.
...In 2 short months Mr. B was so very happy with his single psoriasis treatment with just 2 bulbs of raw garlic each day. He was so happy he said his feet and skin all over never looked this good before he even started dating his wife. Shows how much his wife loved him even during worse skin. And he even shows off that look, my lunch meal is the common fare of cooked tilapia fish and white rice plus chopped raw garlic… he does not need to go raw or paleo diet like I do. And look he says… he can even consume social amounts of wheat foods as long as he has raw garlic with them.
psoriasis treatment with raw garlic with meals
Read more, click: Psoriasis Treatment Improvement with Raw Garlic EverydayAdd This Forum To Your Favorites!
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