Re: Nightmares, anxiety, shaking, depression. Help.
Thank you for your extensive response, it really means a lot to me! I will look into what you've mentioned. I never knew
Iodine had anything to do with anxiety or depression. I don't eat a lot of foods with
Iodine in them. I had been a raw vegan for about 3 years and was severely deficient in B12 until I started supplementing about two weeks ago and incorporated animal foods into my diet. This helped a little bit, but I still get depressed/anxiety. I don't use a lot of animal foods or salt/iodine-added foods, so I think I should try iodine.
I'm supposed to receive a Bach Rescue Remedy in the mail soon but it hasn't come yet.
Almost all of my history of anxiety/panic can be traced to fall/winter months surrounding it. I'm pretty sure I do have SAD. It is almost debilitating. I know medication can do more harm than help, but I am really open to any sort of help and I have experimented with too many things that haven't worked for me, which is why I'm considering it.