I just thought i would share something i am doing to help my lips heal naturally.When i brush my teeth i try to keep any soap off my lips.After i take water in to rinse my mouth i cover my lower lip with the length of my index finger while i am spitting out.This way no water with soap
touchs my lip.After i am done i pat dry with a clean towel.I have a strong suspision that an ingredient in toothpaste is having an adverse effect on my condition and is stalling the healing process.The ingredient may even be causing the condition but i just can't prove it.What would happen when the soap did touch is that an hour or so later i would press gently on my lip with a finger and i could sense that there was an air pocket between the hard,crusty
skin and the skin beneath.This did not occur when i kept the lip covered while i spit the water and soap solution out.I just want to add that those who have posted in the past should keep posting for the sake of those who find this site for the first time.I find it very soothing to know that there are others who understand what i am going