Re: peeling lips (off topic)
I thought I was alone in this problem.
I have been suffering from this since I was a really small child. I'm pretty sure mine is due to an unfortunate circumstance with me a lady shaver and thinking that it was lipstick(red lips must mean lipstick...get it) Ever since then all i can remember i raw lips.
When I was in hihgschool it was so bad that I would lose like 3 to 4 layers a day. So I stopped wearing lipstick thinking it might cure the problem. This was when i realized I had a problem. Before then i just had chapped lips often. i think the lipstick sent my lips into over load. The biggest issue came when I started using carmex to heal it....oh hateful hateful addicted to it and it destroyed my lips.
Anyway....I've tried a great many things to help my lips....the only thing that has worked is to try and do nothing. What i mean by that is to try and not put any petroleum products on your lips at all. Even Vitamin E will only make it worse in the long run because you are not giving your lips a chance to produce moisture on their own. The only thing that has ever actually worked as far as products go is cocoa butter and Creme de la mere. Creme de la mere is a very very expensive product developed by a man who had severe burns all over his body and wanted to find a fix to get rid of his scars. He did so with this crazy seaweed mixture that sells only at deluxe retail stores for $85 a bottle minimum. I used to work at Saks 5th avenue so I was able to recieve free samples. However, though not as drastically good of a product something that also worked for me was cocoa butter. I only used this when my lips were desperatly dry. I would massage a lot of the stuff into my lips(cocoa butter is amazingly absorbing) and then put a thin layer of chapstick on top to seal. This is the only time i would really use chapstick. If you diligently do this all day long your lips will feel silky smooth by the end of the day. Just don't become dependant on it.
so anyway....there's my story....sad but glad to know that I'm not the only person in the world with this isssue.