The inflammation is causing the peeling and the skin underneath the top layer to push outward. If the inflammation goes away, the bottom lip will return to normal size and the top layer should cease peeling. How odd is it that this is only occuring on our lips. It's a good thing, but very odd. Lips must have a very unique makeup(no sweat glands) that makes them suceptable to chronic peeling if irritated enough. Sure, most of us will admit to manual picking and peeling in order to aid appearance, but even with that you would think they would eventually heal on their own and stop peeling especially when we made dedicated efforts NOT to pick or peel them manually at the expense of a very chapped appearance. I have had scabs on others parts of my body that I irritated for months that even left small scars but that inflamation went away and the skin stopped peeling and formed normally. Not on the lips though? Reducing the inflammation is the key so the top layer of skin has a chance to form normally again. One of my Derms put me on a Super-Potent topical steriod called Ultravate 4 years into this thing. I applied a large amount twice a day. For the 1st two weeks I had excellent results as My lips did not peel or stain-Very normal feeling. The 3rd week they began to peel and stain a little, then eventually I stopped the Ultravate as this is a very strong corticosteriod. I almost cleared but the underlying inflammation eventually took over. Perhaps even more aggressive topical treatment(Ultravate for 4 or 5 weeks) and accompany it with a prescription of Predisone to break the viscious cycle of inflammation to let that top layer form and stay that way might work?
Have you noticed any skin thinning over the years due to the constant exfoliation?