17 y
Replacing one for the other
I agree. I have seen a scant few abusers (less than 1% in 10 years) who took responsibility for their actions, stood accountable, and changed their entire ways of thinking, processing, and reacting. For some, they did indeed trade one addiction for another, but the healthier choices helped the former abusers move on into a healthy, healing sphere. One of the former abusers took his recovery into the Vagina Monologues, which is a theatrical discussion of abuse, the victims, and a couple of former abusers! To see a man standing alone on a stage in front of hundreds of people (mostly Survivors) that he doesn't know and admit to the violence and abuse that he had once inflicted was breathtaking. His emotions were true and his accountability was complete.
We all have addictions, whether it's an addiction to abuse/control/violence, or dark chocolate. And, when we give up one addiction, we must choose another. We human beings are so frail, aren't we?