Re: My Opinion
For what reason has god given you the right to cast out spirits?
To the best of my ability to tell it is because i have genuinely surrendered my life to Him.
Please do a study on all those who did and you will see that in every case it was a sign that they were called of God for the ministry before the Bible had been completed. After that sign to cast out devils was no longer need as we are all Ministers of reconciliation and Ambassadors for Christ. No signs are needed.
I respectfully disagree with this position and i know from personal experience that demons do get cast out in Jesus name today. This happens not only in the people i pray for, but all over the world.
If you want to prove this then drink some drano in front of me and if you live I will testify that God has given you some new mission not laid out in the Scriptures.
Somehow i don't believe that even this would change your position and nor would the remarkably transformed lives of people who had demons one minute and the next minute they were gone with obvious tangibly different behavior to accompany this.
Beware of not rightly dividing the word of God when you study you will end up applying verses to yourself that are for Israel and be mixed up in which Gospel is preached today.
I offer you the same encouragement. Your conclusion that the gifts were only for 2000 years ago and once "the bible arrived there was no longer need for them so they vanished" is a doctrine of man that is built on sand.
I love my bible and for me it is a wonderful tool (along with prayer, worship, fasting, etc etc) to fall more deeply in love with my Lord. But i worship the living God and this is who i have a personal relationship with, not the bible. Chette, do you worship the living God or do you worship your authorized version bible? Is your bible the third member of the trinity, bumping the Holy Spirit off that list? Was one result of the Lord Jesus being crucified and risen to send us the bible?... or was it to send us the Holy Spirit who will be our counselor and comforter and who would teach us all things? I live my life as led by the Holy Spirit of the Living God, not by a book (even a book as awesome as the bible) and I strongly encourage you to do the same.