13 y
Re: blah blah
"Jesus spoke Aramaic."
You don't really know that for sure, unless you were there and anything you've read or heard is heresay at best.
Did Jesus eat meat ? Since he came not to change the law, then the teachings of Leviticus stand, and the permitted foods include cattle, deer, and a few others. According to the bible God gave man permission to eat some red meat.
You appear to have taken a position that is against the God of the bible you've quoted. Are you suggesting that God was wrong in permitting man to eat certain kinds of red meat ?
Evil me is broiling a steak at present. Mmmmm, I love vegetarians.
Interestingly, the populations of the earth that eat only vegetables, are rather timid people, easily conquered throughout history by the omnivores. The great inventors and thinkers all ate meat. Probably something to do with the taurine, which veggies lack, which makes them think like loonies from what I've seen. Keep on writing.