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Re: Creature Eating= Meat eating = Death Vibes

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

thinker2012 Views: 3,767
Published: 13 y
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Re: Creature Eating= Meat eating = Death Vibes


i can not give you a clear answer without addressing spirituality and self programing of the conscious mind

if in your mind you program/believe something you may manifest your belief/your program in your body

most humans are not programers of thier own minds

some humans have spiritual beliefs/bio programs that allow them to gain pranic nourishment, that is thier FUEL.

others have beliefs/programs that they must have meat, eat creatures, that is thier belief, thier self conscious or unconscious program

when humans tell me of the sensuous taste lust they have for animals flesh  i know it is an addiction,  a sensual level addiction

when humans tell me of thier fears of lack of protien etc, i know it is a learned fear program guiding them to eat animals, fear level error in thier program

my concern is for people, self included, to have a conscious CHOICE, knowledge, freedom of information and awareness of ALL THE AVAILABLE OPTIONS AND SOURCES OF OPTIMAL FOR HEALTH CONSCIOUSNESS AND LONGEVITY, HUMAN NOURISHMENT.

I am on this forum because I detest oilarchs who supress alternate hydro fuel, hydro powered cars, solar heat info etc because they are stupid greedy monopolistic rich old suppressing corporate gangbangers who try to suppress ALTERNATIVE FUEL DATA.

Biological human fuel and machne robotic fuel sources.

It is hard to explain pranic diet with out addressing ets, life on other planets, spirituality etc and i have provoked enough meat eaters today in my attempt to put out some data on alternative nourishment for those who are sick fat and poisoned by wrong food. Most meat eaters are athiests with meat clogged glands and brains, hence they are unaware of spiritual things.

prana eaters and fruitarians sense they are prana eaters, and fruitarians, they have a right to conscious choice. I guess i am just fed up seeing obese pig eaters make fun of pranarians. Racisism against pranarians is no haha. just serious

Racism against aliens is even more disgusting, so I will stick to the material level and not adddress spirtuality.


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