Re: Creature Eating= Meat eating = Death Vibes
The number one place Europeans and Americans die is
sitting on thier toilets at home
In the strain of trying to take a bowel movement, they put pressure on thier heart and drop dead of heart attack ON THE TOILET
No kidding, this is where the majority of western humans die, sitting on thier toilets.
in my pc op.
Food is a forgein object. anyone who eats non fruit/herb food is a clogged food-crackhead, food addict. brainwashed by crackhead-food suppliers who take the food-crackhead addicts money.
meat eaters get 10x more cancer then people who eat very little to no meat.
vegans are wormy dirt scratchers and mineral rock filled people.
meat eaters stink like putrid dead rotting animal corpses.
meat eaters are covered with excess beast protein tumor growths, brain clogs, clots, tumours, horny growths,skin tags, beast diseases, and other grotesque deformations and smelly abominations.
meat eaters are bloated bellyfull abominations of rot stench flesh putrification and death.
where's my horse meat
on the othr hand many beings come to earth just to eat pigs for the tasty experience they get out of the sizzling pig pork mouth grease sensation.
to each his own experience
haha just serious