potato chips cut slice and rip apart the permeable intestional walls
potato chips are the most damaging food you can eat, the chip ripps the permeable intestional wall to shreds and gives humans leaky guts
humans who eat potato chips have such ripped up cut intestines they gorge on food just to cover the intestinal scar tissue.
when humans think they have hunger pangs, it is really thier potato chip ripped up intestional wall scars exposed,so in error they shovel more food in thier gut to cover the ripped intestinal walls scars and scar tissue!
desire of potato chips means craving oil, olives are a fruit, body craves olive oil. or craves salt in the body, body craves oil, not potato shards
desire for sour rotted milk pus=cream=desire to use thick cream paste to cover the intestinal wall scars that sharp as glass shards potato chips cut in the permeable intestinal wall tissues
potato chips are sold to destroy, ripp apart, scar and shred, young dumb teenagers intestines so they become life long medical patients, cash cows and life long $$$ food ADDICTS, food junkies.