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Re: Creature Eating= Meat eating = Death Vibes

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

MatrixAnomaly Views: 3,598
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Re: Creature Eating= Meat eating = Death Vibes

"all life lives off of death and the waste of other living things... even *vegans*"

Just to play devils advocate here, because i do not currently hold a vegan paradigm by any means, i do not think this applies for truly is a symbioses-except for bugs injested. But then again......when u look at the big picture, the whole thing is really a symbiosis. The whole thing is really just a great big balancing act albeit on a grander scale.... it seems. Without carnivore predators the herbivore predators would overpopulate and overeat the vegetation. As johng put it:

"the cycle of life and death on this planet is a mysterious thing..."

Seems to me that "god" is really just an artist.....and "its" universe is really just a never-ending 'art project' and because of this there will always be Opposers, and duality. I think that evil might ultimately be just as natural as death. Because in order for their to be perfection there has to be duality. I think that duality is really just 'gods' feedback loop, so that perfection/consciousness will always be achieving itself and infinity. And i think that this is such an abstract-and perhaps even solemn- concept for us because we live in this bubble of inversion in the Opposers domain--therefore we cannot really comprehend perfection, comprehend that which is natural.....while in the opposers domain. But one day we will, when we die. And untill then we are here to keep the opposers in check, in balance. We are doing our time in hell....tis the law/tendency of duality.

But regardless......the fruitarian concept is one i find very intriguing, and i am completely open minded to the concept that it is what is most natural for humans....i would just need alot of very convincing emperical evidence. For currently it seems to me that digestive and meat quality problems are at the core of Thinker2012 and others fruitarion's evidence, and that ultimately balance....duality..... is needed for the OPTIMAL performance of the human being. Omnivour.

But nonetheless i think fruitarionism and fasting would be great way to kick start the healing/optimization process......i just cant seem to really go without the meat/organs, and because of this i am currently procrastinating a juicefast. But who knows, perhaps its just parasite mind-control and i dont really need the meat.



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